Saturday, December 21, 2013

I Have Survived

HP marathon tomorrow, assuming we're not snowed in...
Oh, and it's snowing. A lot.

This was a couple hours ago, and it's still snowing. 
Not sure how I feel about this. I mostly just miss summer. 
I'm to go reread the Hobbit now. Adios, amigos. 

Monday, December 16, 2013


They need to be over (they start tomorrow).
I am going to try to say a lot of things really fast and not in depth.
That was a terrible sentence.
Finals start tomorrow. I'm mostly worried about Spanish and Algebra. Everything else should be good, even Chemistry.
Our Christmas concert was yesterday and it was GREAT. Yay us.
I really just want finals to be over because CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!
Lil, Holly, and I are having a Harry Potter marathon, which we've wanted to do for a while. But then Grandma bought all eight of the movies, so this weekend we're gonna try to watch them all in less than 24 hours. It should be interesting.
Gracey left. :( She's an MK in Costa Rica, and her family has been here since like this summer. She came to Trinity this semester and was really epic. It was soooooo nice to have someone who related to my TCKness. But now she's gone again and everyone's sad. D:
I miss HSM and can't wait until Music Man.
The end.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy and Crappy

Happy(s): ALMOST CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!!!!! The Hobbit on FRIDAY!!! I have a favorite book for the first time in my life. Sherlock season 3 is soonish. BFF Harry Potter marathon right after finals. We put up our Christmas tree. Christmas in general. I now only share a room with one person (I love both my sisters, but omc I have closet space now). The gaping hole in our bathroom ceiling will be fixed soon. Trinity's 12 Days of Christmas is this week!!! YESSSS!!!! We hung Christmas lights in our room, so it looks all Pinterest-y. Micheal Buble.

Crappy(s): Finals next week. e_e I miss HSM. One of my friends leaves on Friday. She's traveling to a bajillion more churches and then going back to Costa Rica. It's cold. I hate cold. I'm not in India. My new favorite book is really, really sad.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Our Holiday Tradition

Our extended family has a joke that we can't have a holiday or major party without calling 911 at some point.
On Father's Day a couple years ago, Grandma slipped and hurt her leg, passing out in the process.
The day after Christmas last year, Mac broke his arm.

This week, we had to call the fire department.

Kensi's friend (our cousin, Shae) was spending the night, and they were in the living room "sleeping" (read: talking).
Holly and I were upstairs, trying to get a movie to work on Netflix. Mom and Dad were asleep in their room, Mac was across the hall from us.
We clicked play for the hundredth time, watching it load soooo sloooooowly.
And then we heard a popping/banging noise.
We both looked to the closed door.
"It was probably Mac," I said, shrugging.
"Should we check on him?" Holly asked, staring at the door.
"You can."
She stood up and looked back at me. "Can you please come?"
I rolled my eyes and shoved the blankets and laptop off of me. "Come on," I said impatiently. I opened the door and walked to Mac's room, Holly close behind. The two little girls stood at the foot of the stairs.
"Did you hear that?" Shae asked.
"Yeah. It was probably Mac. Go to sleep," I told them.
I opened his door to find his room dark and silent, with him sprawled out across his bed, sound asleep.
Holly and I exchanged glances, this time with alarm and maybe a bit of excitement.
We stood there in his doorway for a moment, tense, listening.
"Addi," Holly whispered. "I think I smell burning."
I glanced at the bathroom, gesturing for her to follow me. We poked in, checking that no curling irons or anything were on. Nothing was plugged in, but the smell was definitely stronger in here.
Our bathroom is split into two rooms, the big part with the sink and counter and mirror, where you fix your hair and whatnot. Then there's a door, behind which is the shower and toilet. It's actually quite genius, because someone can be taking a shower while someone else is brushing their teeth.
I opened the door.
Strange, molten, thread like substance dripped from the ceiling, (luckily) collecting directly in the trash can.
I looked up and gasped.
"Uh, Hollers," I said. "Our house is on fire."
Which was not exactly true. The fan had been left on (I left it on, in case you were wondering) and had started an electrical fire in the vent. It was smaller than a campfire.
I told the little girls to get Mom and Dad. Holly ran for the fire extinguisher, and Dad put it out fairly easily.

Then the real fun began.
All us kids, including a half asleep Mac, sat in the living room while Dad called the fire department so they could double check that everything was safe.
Less than three minutes later, six, I repeat six, fire trucks were on our street, sirens and lights and everything.
We were all laughing somewhat hysterically, and Holly asked Dad (probably ten times) if he actually told them the fire was out. And tiny.
Anyway, six fire trucks, nine firefighters in our house, twenty minutes, and some ripped out insulation later, they declared it safe.

And our one full bathroom has this lovely gaping hole in the ceiling. It's about the size of a piece of printer paper.  
But they did say it could have been a lot worse, and we were super lucky. 
So we were immensely thankful afterwards. 
And Holly and I will probably be using this as an excuse to watch movies on Netflix late at night for months to come.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So. Tired.

Tech week has begun.
I'm tired.
The end. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

This Will Be A Crazy Month

Mom's birthday. Lilli's birthday. Ender's Game. Thor 2. Doctor Who 50th. Legend book 3. CATCHING FIRE. High School Musical show. School. Thanksgiving. NaNoWriMo.
I'm so excited. Seriously.
Like, have you seen the trailers?? Have you read the books?? Have you seen the last episode?? I need to know!! Curiosity is KILLING ME!!! What is Day gonna do? Why is Thor so desperate he turns to Loki? How are Rose and Ten gonna come back without tearing apart the universe? Will this book-to-movie adaption of Ender's Game make me burn with fury or joy?

Annnnnd I don't mind seeing more of Loki and Thor and David Tennant's hair. u_u
Look at dat hair

And HSM, which means tech week and missing school. :D Performing. Just all around awesomeness.

Today was Mom's birthday, which we celebrated with this gorgeous cupcakes. This wasn't the only kind either. Y'all should go to Small Cakes, it's flipping amazing.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Crey and Holly designing the jack-o-lantern face

Mac in his costume being creepy

Me (Clara) and Mac

Two really bad pictures from the party last night.

And the epic shirt

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy and Crappy

Happy(s): Practically no algebra homework. Lilli is almost done with Inheritance and she's fangirling, which is really entertaining. Holly and Mac are being Annabeth and Percy for Halloween. Spanish was really fun today. We get food in Apologetics tomorrow. I'm gonna be Clara Oswld for Halloween (well, that's what I'm saying. She wears pretty normal clothes, so it'll be easy.) I got combat boots today. CYT is getting more fun every week. Veggie Tales is on Pandora and it's basically the happiest thing ever (seriously, it just makes life better and happier). I'm gonna be officially a published journalist in a week or two, and I'm actually pretty confident about it.

Crappy(s): Chemistry is a joy-sucker (I'm sitting here writing a blasted lab report that's due tomorrow). I'm always tired. It's so cold. I don't have time to read and write. I miss India. I want to get out of school and Kansas and routine. Our house is having issues. Dragons aren't real. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Need To Go Somewhere

Well, I got bored with Chemistry, and started writing... and this happened. Not sure how my thought process works, but yeah.


I'm supposed to be working on a lab report right now. Instead I'm procrastinating, sitting on the couch with music up and writing whatever comes into my brain.

Bunnies (no idea why I thought of that). Easter. Chocolate. Christmas. Presents. Operation Christmas Child. India. Elephants. Thailand. Thai food. The beach. Pirates. Hannah. The rest of the gang. Concert Choir. The Fault in Our Stars.

Okay, y'all need to read that book. Seriously.
If you want to know why you should read, click here.
If you want to know why I love this book, click here.

I really want to travel. Like, right now. I want to pack up my books and shoes and fly to India. I miss my "Indian" people. Of course, most of them aren't even there anymore. Some are scattered across the States. Others are in Thailand. But Hannah and Joel and Madelyn and Jonathan and Grace are there.
But then I'd miss my American friends. That's the worst part about being a TCK, guys.
I'm basically doomed to always, always missing someone.

Can I go to Europe? Please? I miss the chaos of traveling. I miss hearing twenty different languages in an airport. I miss seeing the ground drop beneath a plane. I miss landing and breathing in the smell of gasoline and smoke and cold air. I miss seeing ancient architecture. I miss riding on subways. I miss adventure.
I want y'all to experience it so bad.

It's hard though. It's crazy hard. It's hard to wait for hours in customs. It's hard to communicate when there's a language barrier. It's hard to keep track of where you get on and off of subways. It's hard to survive for ten hours on a crowded airplane. It's hard to not be in the same culture I grew up. It's hard to be so alone.

But I love it. Because I have always wanted adventure, and I got my taste of it, and now I want to submerge myself in cultures and languages and new things and beauty.

 Instead I'm procrastinating, sitting on the couch with music up and writing whatever comes into my brain.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Extremely Splendid Four Days Off

A Summary-
Thursday: Sleep, cleaning, audio letter to Madelyn, Pottermore, A Thousand Splendid Suns
Friday: Starbucks, rain, pumpkin patch, A Thousand Splendid Suns, the discovery of the Veggie Tales Pandora station
Saturday: Rehearsal, library, The Fault In Our Stars, Hershey's kisses, Epic
Sunday: Church, cookies, blogging, Skype, White Collar

All in all, not bad. I never got to watch the Hobbit or eat Oreos, but okay. I'm sitting on the living room floor, getting thoughts out of my brain now. It's 12:01 am, according to the iPad. So I've been sitting here for a little less than thirty minutes. Before that I read To Kill A Mockingbird from 10:30 to 11, and then I lay in bed from 11 to 11:30, trying to sleep. I don't really like not being able to sleep. I'd like to be mentally present at school tomorrow, and I'd also like to wake up early enough to be a attractive at school (or as attractive as one can be in our school uniforms. #firstworldprobs) (that was the first and probably last time I use a hashtag).

Sooo now I'll waste time on Pinterest. v_V And write bio questions for the Blonde Mafia. xD


Friday, October 18, 2013


That is my exhausted dying sound.
I had today and yesterday off from school. Yesterday we cleaned the house. Today we went to the pumpkin patch. Which I should talk about because it was fun, but I'm too tired. I'm laying on the couch right now, craving Oreos and The Hobbit. And also library books. It snowed today. The snow melted right when it hit the ground, but still. I'm so tired. >_< I was reading A Thousand Splendid Suns until 1:30 last night. That is a very sad book, and I'm barely half way through it.
Good bye.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thank You, Jesus

Thank you, God, for sweaters. For books and tea and music. Thank you for parent-teacher conferences, and four days to rest. Thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for Pandora and Pinterest and YouTube (well, the good sides of those things). Thank you for creativity and art and joy. For words and literature and Star Wars. Thank you for doughnuts and Starbucks and bananas. Thank you for elephants and saris and mehendi. Thank you for Target and best friends. Thank you for nail polish, Netflix, and Nutella. Thank you for sleep. Thank you for the little things that make my life so blessed.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's October? When Did That Happen?

I mean I knew... but I didn't really comprehend this. I've been in school for two months. I've finished a musical. It's almost Halloween. Starbucks has Pumpkin Spice stuff. I'm wearing a sweater. I finished House of Hades. We had Barn Dance.

When did summer end??
Like, two months ago.

Well, here's the bucket list. Italics means one of us did it, but not the others.

1. Make Ice Cream
2. Music Videos (Love Story)
3. Shaving Cream Fight
4. Drive-In Movie
5. Make Covers
6. Call Hogwarts Hotline (+17814524077)
7. Buy A Trampoline (We wish)
8. Messy Twister
9. Musical Movie Night (lol, every night we're together :)
10. Color Hair
11. Water Balloon Fight
12. Go Bowling
13. Do a Pinterest Craft
14. Tie-Dye Stuff
15. Make A Time Capsule
16. Take TONS of Pictures (of everything on this list)
17. Say Yes To Everything For A Day
18. Go Camping
19. Paint Balloon Fight
20. Princess Diaries Paint Dart Thing
21. Sidewalk Paint
22. Write Messages and Put Them In Balloons And Let the Balloons Go
23. Melted Crayon Art (FAILED)
24. Photo Bomb Random People
25. Prank Call
26. Midnight Premiere of Some Movie (PJASOM??)
27. Picnic
28. Make Butterbeer
29. Dance In the Rain
30. Bubbles
31. Photo Booth
32. Forts
33. Go To the Pet Store and Play With Puppies
34. Go On a Long Run, Followed by Jumping In The Pool (Holly wrote that)
35. Play in the Sprinkler
36. Cloud Gazing
37. Star Watching
38. Set off Fireworks
39. Sleep in a Tent Outside With S'mores and Friends
40. Catch Fireflies
41. Build a Puzzle
42. Ride in the back of a Pickup Truck
43. Take Food and Drinks to Giant Fort and Live There
44. Volunteer
45. Lemonade Stand
46. Write Letters
47. Send Postcards
48. Make Movies
49. Eat Cupcakes in Ice Cream Cones
50. Fly Kites
51. Try On Fancy Dresses (With Heels) and Take Pictures at the Mall
52. Blind Makeovers
53. Mani-Pedis On Each Other
54. Plant Tree
55. Climb Tree
56. All Nighter
57. Harry Potter Marathon
58. Watch a Sunrise and Sunset
59. Make a New Friend
60. Root Beer Float
61. Rollerblade
62. Ice Skate
63. Laser Quest
64. Watch Veggie Tales
65. Have A Treasure hunt
67. Explode a Bunch of Two-Liter Sodas (Holly wrote that too)
68. Finger Paint
69. Have a Pool Party
70. Homemade Sundaes
71. Make Bracelets/Necklaces
72. Make a Tire Swing
73. Get a Hammock
74. PJ Day - with breakfast for every meal (Holly)
75. Opposite Day - ice cream for breakfast (Holly)
76. Go Into an Elevator and push all the buttons. And don’t let anyone else on!!!
78. Go to the Arb
79. Create a Cool Band
80. Go on a Bike Ride to an Ice Cream Place
81. Go Skateboarding
82. Plant Flowers
83. Make Fun Artwork (THIS FAILED)
84. Minute to Win It
85. Rock River Rapids
86. HSM (all, or at least 2 and 3)

29 of 86. Not bad. And honestly, we did a lot less of sitting on our butts this summer. It was really good.

Summer is gone. Farewell, sleep, flip flops, Doctor Who marathons, swimming, hanging with Lilli everyday, a cute hat, a relatively clean room, spare time, finishing five books a week, and beautiful weather.

Hello sweaters, premieres, coffee, craziness, musicals, homework, friends, cold, boots (oh, wait. School rules. -_-), tights...

Now, I'm sleeping. Adios. 

People Should Seriously Read More. And Think More. And Be Less Stupid in General.

I hate stupidity in all forms. Especially when it comes to not reading.

I can deal with  faults.
All but one.
And that one is dislike and disregard of reading and books and literature.
It. Drives. Me. Crazy.
Some people have excuses. But most just claim they hate reading.
To which I instantly cry "HOOOOOW?!?!?!?!" 
The answer is, almost always "It's boring."



How is reading boring? How are those words even in the same sentence?
Now, some books are just a struggle to read. For example, we're reading the Scarlet Letter in school right now. And while I like the story, I'm struggling with this book. But there are soooo many other books out there! There's knowledge and adventure and life and happiness and imagination and everything!

Do you know how much I've learned from books in my life?

A lot.

Respect. Friendship. Freedom. Love. Adventure. Hope. Choices. Mythology. Duty. How epic the world is and how brilliant people can be. How broken the world is and how cruel people can be. History. God. How to strategically design a fortress. How to make a sword. Cultures. People. How to be logical, for crying out loud. How to take over the world. How to destroy a world. How surprisingly often God shows up in books (that probably has a lot to do with my worldview, but still). How choices have consequences. Morals.

And a looooot more.

I've become hundreds of characters and been to thousands of places.

It's like, my personality, my mind, my soul, is a book. And every book I've read has added something to my soul book, be it a sentence, a paragraph, a page, or a whole chapter. They're helping shape me.

Nancy Drew and the American Girl books started it. And then I was reading anything I could get my hands on when I was like eleven. School books. Classics. Fantasy. It seriously didn't matter to me. I was almost addicted to the words and thoughts etched into paper. I was amazed at how books made me feel and think. Still am.

I think the most important lesson I've learned is how to relate to people. Reading has given me a heightened sense of empathy.

I wouldn't trade that knowledge for anything. How could anyone not want that?

I feel like, if people read more, they'd think more. They'd appreciate more. Intelligence would be so much more common. People would be less stupid. 

But they don't read. They live in their bubbles of stupidity. I hate it. Things like "YOLO" and the word "Cray-cray" drive me so insane. It's like people don't realize they have a brain that they can use to make rational decisions.

Personally, I don't want to go out and do stupid stuff because "YOLO". I want to make something out of my life and build it and use it to make things better for people. 

I hate stupidity. By "stupidity" I mean the conscious act of not using your God-given brain, whether it be by cheating on a test that you could easily pass if you tried, or by making a dumbed down movie, or by getting drunk for the sake of "YOLO", or anything. Can't you people at least try to be smart? I know you are, deep, deep down.

End of rant. 

Monday, October 7, 2013


This weekend has been... crazy. I've barely been home. And now I'm reallllllyyyyyy sick of the human race in general. No offense. >_> I just want to watch TV and sleep and read. With tea.

Friday was the PLAN test (practice ACT) at school, which was terrible, but then we had a half day, which was good. I went home and watched Merlin and The Tigger Movie (splendid movie). Then I went to CYT rehearsal, and I was preeeetty grumpy. >_> Because Trinity's first football game in OUR AMAZING NEW STADIUM was that night, and I was missing it.
BUT. Then the weather was horrendous, and the game didn't actually start until like nine. So I still made it for a lot of the game. YAY!!! We lost, but it was still really fun.

Saturday my mood was much improved. I had rehearsal from nine to three, and then it went over, so that was exhausting, but good. We actually got a lot done, I feel like. Then I went home and got ready for Barn Dance. Which was basically 1000% epic. I rode the mechanical bull and lasted 11 seconds, thank you very much. I danced and ate M&Ms. We got pictures at the photo booth. It was me, Josh, and a bunch of juniors most of the night, which was really fun, actually.

And then I went home and crashed.

Getting up Sunday was a struggle. >_< But I did it and we went to church. After church, we looked at houses, and Dad saw a sign for a glider plane, so we had to go check that out. Then they dropped me off for the Drood cast party, which was basically snapchatting, the video of us (which is sooooo epic), and food. I had fun. x) Then I came home and did homework. -_-

Annnnd then today was boring again.
BUT HOUSE OF HADES COMES OUT TOMORROW SO ALL WILL BE WELL (for like 6 hours while I read it. Then I'm pretty sure my heart will break. Again.) AND I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! :DDD

The End.

P.S. I just made soup. And rolls are rising. I feel so accomplished. xD

Monday, September 30, 2013

The End of Drood

I'm going to miss this show. It was sooo fun. I loved having a small cast. I loved being Chorus Member "Number One". I feel like Abby and I got waaay closer as best friends, and I seriously loved everyone in our cast. Not in a creepy way, y'all. Like, I had a full family and it was great. I learned a lot, especially from the senior girls. They are epic.

On the bright side, things can calm down a bit... for like a week.


So last week was Tech Week, this week is Heritage Days, and then next week are more auditions. Really?
OH! Everyone, pray that Trinity's stadium gets finished ASAP!!! Our first game there is FRIDAY!!!! And also pray that by some miracle none of us Trinity kids get called for High School Musical rehearsal, because we DO NOT want to miss that game. And then Barn Dance is Saturday!!! YAAAAAY!!! :D 
I am loving my crazy, hectic life, y'all. 
It's muy bueno. 
My few issues are I have very little time to read and write. >_< THAT bugs me a lot. 

Oh well. And I have a really cool post idea coming up (well, I think it's cool. I don't know about y'all.) So hopefully within this week I'll get it up. 

So, the end. 

Tech Week Pics

Hailey, me, and Mama Hulk

Myself and Mershon, looking cheerful

Me and Cole aka the Doctor

Me and my adopted Dad

Cast and Crew


Miss Deputy and me

Ashley and (*gasp*) me

Jared and his Infamous Eyebrows.

Moi and Micaela

Me and Caleb, our Villian

Me and Shatie

Lexi, our splendid assistant stage manager, and me.

Me, Stevie, and Hailey's poking her face in there. Well played, Hailey. 

Hailey and me and fruit smilieys 


We are so cute. x)


FAMILY PHOTO!! Adopted Dad/Awkward Uncle, Abby my twin who was born a year late, Dad who disowned me, me, Mom(?) and Grace... she's like that random person who comes to Christmas dinner. 


We were bored...

Attractive, we know. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Ahhhh!!!!! Almost to the most chaotic, epic, fun, crazy week!! I'm so excited!!
Purple tights, curls, dancing, spotlights, backstage, late nights, friends, music...
I love Tech Week. 
This show is really different from anything I've done before, and I really like it. The audience votes for the ending, so even though we know more than they think we know, there's still a lot of mystery. Also, this show is more challenging. It's not a little kid's show, which I like. 
Like there's a lot of things kids won't really understand, because it's a murder mystery/love story. I'm really excited. 

Okay, I'm calm. Yeah. Totally. 

Anywho. I have to go. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

No Time.

I'll be quick, because I have a lot of Algebra 2 homework and an essay to write for Chemistry.
This weekend was mucho bueno. Rehearsals, a birthday party at Skywalkers (which was epic!), Eight Oaks, more rehearsal, sleep, Merlin, and books. 
Yeah, that was great. :) exhausting, though. I fell asleep at 5:30 pm on Saturday. Which is like seven hours earlier than usual. 

School is... Rough. Idk, it's not really hard. It's just tedious. And I don't feel like I'm getting anything out of it. 
When I say school, I basically mean everything except Spanish, Newspaper, Choir, and Apologetics. I have no issue with those. 
It's just a pain to get up and go to school and do almost nothing all day. And yet I'm exhausted when I get home.
And still have a bunch of homework to do. 
High school stinks. 
On the bright side, without TA I wouldn't have a lot of my friends, and small groups, and chapel, and Eight Oaks. All of which I looooooove. 

I need money for fun stuff, yeah, but now I need it for Eight Oaks, and a car, and books. 
But I literally do not have time for a job. Like, it's 6:20, and I'm putting off some serious homework so I can blog. 
Saturdays I'm at rehearsal or Eight Oaks. After school is more rehearsal and homework. Sunday is basically the only day I get to myself, and then I'm at church and then doing more homework. 
I try to read before I sleep, but I've still only finished like one or two books in September. 
And it's just aaaaaaagggggghhhhhhh. 
Maybe once Drood is over I can scope out some bookstores that would hire me. 
Or Starbucks. 

Adios. Good luck with school. :P

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Auditions for HSM were last night. 
And now we're in the worst part. The waiting. I hate waiting. "Patience is for wimps," as someone once said. 
The cast list won't be posted until tomorrow around five. I am like crazy nervous, and Mac and Kensi are trying not to think about it. 
I think we did good. I hope so. 
Here's the deal: this is Mac and Kensi's first audition. So I really want them to get in, because I don't want them to be so heartbroken that they never audition again. That would suck. 
Holly and I have done this before, so even if we don't get in, we'll just audition for the next show. We'll be disappointed, but not completely crushed. 
I'm so nervous, y'all. And OMC, when the littles were singing, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. But they did really well. 
I get nervous for me too, but once I'm on stage, I'm fine. Which is good. 
Before auditions. Angie, Mac, Daniel, Hollers, Kensi. 

On the bright side, WILD GOOSE CHASE IS TONIGHT!!! HOLLAH!!!!
I need to go find a Star Wats tshirt. >_> Hopefully Target has a cheap one, or Wal-Mart. If not, I'll go to Hot Topic. I just don't want to pay very much. >_< 

OH. I never blogged about the awkward elbow pic!  
Awkward elbow pic. Featuring the elbows of Joel, Morgan, Hollers, and me. NSAers forever. 
Joel, Morgan, and their parents are some of our friends from India. Who we hadn't seen in over a year. They've been in the States since like June, and we trying to figure out a good way to meet up. 
It didn't look like it was going to happen until like Tuesday night. 
Mom woke me up Wednesday morning with the announcement: "We're going to have company tonight!" 
Me: (half-asleep) "Whaaat?"
They explained, and I was crazy excited all day at school. Pretty much everyone I talked to got informed of the fact I was seeing my friends that night. Lexi was almost the only one who got excited for me. And Josh, I guess. 
And then they came, and it was so fun. We talked, about India, and BBC (they are Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Merlin fans too), and books, and other random things. 
It was great. 
And we played Laser Tag and Apples to Apples. 
That pretty much put me in a good mood for the rest of the week. 

This concludes this blog post. 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Loverly Day

It has been a good day.
Sleeping in. Chocolate chip pancakes. Eight Oaks meeting. Chilling at home. The Blonde Mafia. Writing. The Book Thief. Music. Isaiah. Audition practice. Newspaper. Pita Pit. A cookie. 

Yes. A beautiful day. 

And now I'm finishing it with an episode or two of Merlin.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Thing. Well, Four Things. Well, Four Things and a Lizard.

1) There are very few things I've found to be more frustrating than getting told on Tuesday that you have to write an essay by Friday. Mostly because it's pretty research heavy. HOW am I supposed to write something good in three days after school when I have homework and rehearsal and chores and LIFE.

2) I promise you, I'm trying to like school. My Algebra 2 teacher has won my respect and my opinion that he is awesome, even id I hate the subject. And he is a really good teacher. YEAH BROOKS!! :D

3) I get to write a story for Newspaper!!! WOOOO!!!! It's about the musical. :D I know y'all know NOTHING about this show, but I need that. If you were reading a story about the school musical, what would you want to know? I'm in the show, so outside opinions are helpful. Email me or comment, please. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, and I'm kinda nervous...

4) Guys. Apologetics. I could literally gush about this class as much as I gush about Benedict Cumberbatch's eyes, or Uncle Rick's books, or the fact that A LOT of epic movies come out this fall.
BUT OMC. I love it. We sit on the floor with blankets, it's all girls, we get food sometimes, we actually get to discuss things, and get good answers to questions about God and Creation and stuff. 
And testimonies. Oh. My. Word. So, in the first week, Mrs. B, our teacher, had us type up our testimonies. And everyday in class we draw a name, and that person shares. Sometimes it involves crying, usually hugging, always praying and it is always followed by someone saying "You're hot and we love you." *coughMaddiecough* xD It is so great. I feel like we're coming together, and it's weird, because some things you kinda know-ish, and other things you're like "Whaaaaaat? I had no idea that happened to you!!"
So. Yes. Win. Highlight of the Whole. Freaking. Year.

And a lizard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Oh, dear... We're two days into it, and it's not looking good, folks.
I don't think it'll be too hard, except chemistry. Oh, gosh, that class scares me.

Well, let's start with the good parts.
~Friends. YAAAAY people!! Besties!! :D I missed my little not-real-family this summer.
~Newspaper. I'm sooo excited for this. I want to learn how it works, and how to interview people, and I want to write, and practice, and get better. I think it'd be fun to be editor someday. Hmm... ^_^
~Concert Choir. Love. I love singing. I love all the people being in it. I love how we sound. I love that I get the green dress instead of the black one. 
~The Musical. Ahhhh it's in like a month!!! :D I'm really digging being in the small cast. I like the people, and we all talk in British accents (of varying accuracy). Plus I get to wear a Victorian dress. xD And there's dancing and singing and happiness! Abby and I are in the chorus, and Lexi kinda got dragged into being assistant stage manager. Woot, woot!!
~Apologetics. Best. Class. It's all girls, which means it's super chill, and almost all my best friends are in it. And I want to learn this stuff. I'm really excited.
~Hanging out with my friends in the computer lab after school. It's us and the Minecraft guys. I think we'll start filming again soon. This is code for eating candy, drinking Mountain Dew, and driving Mr.Wolf crazy. And entertaining him. xD We just came in and talked (well, talked might not be the right word with our gang...) about history today. He had that amused "You guys are crazy what is wrong with you" look on.
~Spanish. I love my Spanish teacher. She is awesome.
~Chapel. Starts tomorrow!! YAY!!! :D
That's pretty much all I got.

The Stuff I'm Not Sure About Yet:
Chemistry. U.S. History teacher. Algebra 2. Small groups (they start Thursday, but I'm pretty excited. ).

The Parts I Want To Kill (Note: This is all me ranting. You do not have to read my pessimistic complaints):
Sperrys. English. U.S. History class.

Sperrys. >_> Our school has gotten very... um *tries to think of a non-critical word* specific about what shoes we can wear this year. And I'll be honest, it is pushing my patience.
I've never been a fan of the uniforms, but I get it. I understand the logic. And then came the shoe rule. It basically says wear Sperrys, although Oxfords work too.
I. Hate. Sperrys. Well, I hate them on me. I think they're adorable on other people. But grrrr the whole school wearing them, plus our uniforms, makes us look like an incredibly preppy army.
I need some room to make choices, people. As do all my classmates, I'm guessing. If you get to choose what we're wearing, and learning, and have rules about every freaking thing, I feel like I'm in a prison.
And I'll try to break those rules, for the sake of choosing that. It's happened before and I try not to, but ooh... I need room to breathe, and room to make decisions. They're not giving us that. And oh, it drives me crazy. I want to wear Converse and pink socks. Why is that a problem?
I grew up doing school in pajamas and sweatpants, so maybe it's just me, but, ugh.
OH. The internet at Trinity blocks Pinterest and Facebook. It drives me insane. Sometimes when I'm stuck at school, I'll want to find a freewrite prompt, or look at outfits, or message someone on Facebook, and it's blocked. No. Just no. If people are going to get on there during school, that's their choice. If they end up with a bad grade, sucks for them. Besides, you just use your phone and turn off wi-fi. Except that's a pain and I have use up my precious data.
It's so control-y this year. T_T

English... oh, oh, oh. This was my favorite academic class last year. I loved it.
This year... How do I put this sensitively? I'm scared it'll be too... easy? It's just, the teacher has this way of treating us like we're in kindergarten.
And it grates on my nerves so. Freaking. Much. It's like aaaagggghh we're all between fourteen and sixteen years old. We know how to spell our names.

So, that's frustrating.

And I've never really liked U.S. History. I LOVE World History, but U.S... I think it's mostly because starting in like first grade, you cover the same things up until high school. And we have to memorize states and capitals and presidents. >_> I'm planning on moving to Asia or Europe, so...
On the bright side, Paul, my "brother" is in that class, and I think we will have a lot of fun. xD Mwahahaha.

AND will someone please explain why we are forced to learn Algebra and Chemistry??
I seriously have no idea when the heck I will ever use that. Ever.

Why don't they teach us how to like, pay bills or something? I've heard that we will use that.

I have yet to find something useful being taught in highschool.
Okay, I take that back. Writing. And choir. And Spanish. Annnnd that's it, I think.
-_- Wow. Three out of my eight classes, and two are electives.Well, apologetics. I think that'll be good. And they don't even teach that in most schools.

So, basically, two days into school, and it's just reminding me how much I loathe it and love it at the same time.

I am trying to be optimistic.

And I do love my school, mostly. I just really needed to rant all that now, so I'll be able to deal with it for the rest of the year without killing someone or getting detention for breaking a rule (yeah, I'm exaggerating).

Pray for me, and everyone else starting school. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dear Whoever Made Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Movie... Shame On You.

I'm not kidding. How COULD you? That is on of the most epic books I've ever read and you... You DESTROYED it!!!
You even got the plot wrong. I mean, I'm the kind of person who thinks movies have to be /exactly/ like the book (something which hopefully I can change so I'll stop making death threats), but this was just hideous. 
Even the original Greek myths were butchered. Poseidon didn't kill Kronos, you idiots. And Riptide belonged to Hercules, not Poseidon.
It didn't even follow the plot. 
HOW. WHY??!???
And even as a movie it was bad, like not even just as a book adaptation. The characters were flat.
Friend: In what way? [Did it not follow the plot?]
Me: He killed Kronos.
Friend: WHAT. What else? Not sure I want to know... But tell me
Me: Basically, if it was in the book, it wasn't in the movie
Friend: Can you be a little more specific?
Me: I'm 100% serious.
Friend: They didn't go to the Sea of Monsters? u_U
Me: They did. For two minutes. And one monster that WASN'T EVER RIGHT.
Friend: *even. Which one was it?
Me The whirlpool one (Charybdis?) BUT THEY DID IT WRONG. They went in her stomach.
Friend: What the heck...No Cerce? No Blackbeard? No guinea Percy?
Me: Nope. Nada. Zilch.
Friend: No Reyna which basically sorta kinda not really sets up Heroes of Olympus?
Me: No Circe's Island AT ALL. TYSON WAS WRONG. He didn't act awesome and adorable. He was "meh" at best. Clarrise was WAY too nice. No Yankee's cap. No chariot races, no demon pigeons. The Mist is now sold in perfume bottles.
Friend: What about Thalia?
Me: Yes, Thalia, but they kinda made her lame. HORRIBLE lines. Like seriously, the script sucked.
There was a lot of forced humor that failed. No Grover trapped on the island. No man eating sheep. No dream about Grocer in a wedding dress. No Lastrygonians. They called the Princess Andromeda just Andromeda and said she was a yacht. SHE'S A CRUISE SHIP FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. I hated it. I really did. No Sally Jackson. Annabeth's annoying and boring.
Friend: Woooow...

Oh, and I got the Firefly joke. THAT was good.

OMW. I literally said all this before I saw this video, but if you want to know it's not just me who HATES this movie, click here. Thank you, CassJayTuck for understanding me.

Happy Birthday to Me!! ;)

I had a pretty sweet birthday. :) a couple of my friends and I went to Pure Entertainment, which is this huge bounce house place. I had a ton of fun, and they all said it was awesome, so I consider it a success. :D
Plus I got this wonderful present, which I'm probably more excited about than I should be.

But it's not just a sonic screwdriver. It lights up and makes the sonic screwdriver sound, and  IT'S A PEN. :O 
I seriously have put it down like twice since I got it.

Thanks to all my friends and family who helped make my birthday epic. ^_^

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Well, I Stink At Laser Tag...

I went for the first time for Lexi's birthday party. It was so extremely fun, but I fail at it. xP
Birthdays!! :D
Abby and Lexi both had parties last week, both of which were fun. :D
Annnnnd I turn sixteen next week. O_o Weird.
OH!! I got my "restricted licence". I can drive by myself in certain situations and times. I'm not quite sure what those situations and times are, though...
*pause to clean the basement*
*like two hours later* 
Am I the only one who has "Really, God? Are you kidding me?" moments? 
Now is totally one of those times. I had today neatly planned out. I was going to freewrite, post on here, write for hours, maybe drink coffee...
And then we went to clean up the basement...
And found mold. It's been raining for like the past month (until today) and apparently we have a leak.
So now the littles and I are chilling at our grandparent's house while Mom and Dad investigate further. 
On the bright side, we'll probably go swimming. 
But if the mold thing is bad...
God, please don't let it be bad. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Insomnia Part 2

I finished the Circles of Seven. I'm going to bed. 
It's 3:00 am. 


Is there like, a place I can get tested or something? Because this is ridiculous. Right now it's summer, so it's kinda annoying because I have church tomorrow, but what am I gonna do if I can't sleep at 2 am on a school night?? 
I was even kinda active today, and I didn't have... Well, I had coffee this morning, I guess, but that was like 14 hours ago. Gaaaahhh. 
And there's no chores to do. I read Uncle Tom's Cabin for like an hour already (I just started Chapter Nine, I think). I should probably read it more, but I can't right now. e_e I want to watch Merlin, actually. =P
I'm gonna read the Circles of Seven for a bit, I think. And then maybe pin a little if I'm still awake... And then we'll see. 
Oh, yeah. It's 12:42 currently. @_@ 

Saturday, August 3, 2013


I spent a little over ten dollars and got an adorable pair of black pumps and ice cream.
I'm extremely excited about this. I'd wanted the shoes when Mom and I went several weeks ago, but they were like thirty bucks.
They'd been marked down to $8.98, baby.  HOLLAH!!! 
Hollers, Lil, and I were in Target for two hours by ourselves. We tested chairs, and wore backpacks (Lil found a One Direction backpack and I had an Avengers one), ate ice cream, tried on shoes...It was fun. xD
I finally finished Lord of the Flies last night. I'd been putting it off. =P Now I'm going to finish Ender's Game and then I'll read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom's Cabin is one of those books that's really hard to start. Once I start reading and I'm into it, it's all good, but I usually just don't want to sit down and read it.
I haven't been writing very much lately, y'all. Fail me. I've been busy being social.
Because cousins are here. :D Yesterday we played like fifty rounds of Twister, charades, and Party, and went swimming. I really wish that I could like get images from my brain onto the computer. Like Lil during Twister, and Hollers and K-Belle doing round-offs into the pool. We broke out the glowsticks last night too. =D
Later our family will go over to Lil's house for Crey's 13th birthday party. Woot, woot!! :D
Tata for now!

P.P.S. Crap. Uncle Tom's Cabin is due Monday... It's reading crunch time, gang. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

I Can't Sleep

I went to bed two hours ago. And then got up an hour a ago and cleaned the kitchen. Then I watched Blimey Cow videos.
And now I'm here. :D
My Hairspray Pandora radio is on, I have Dropbox open, and I'm going to...Oh look. Pinterest.

Hahahaha, look what I found.
Ya know when you want to write, and you can feel genius, but it's like it's right behind a wall of non-genius?? (eloquent, I know) That's the best way to describe it though.

Anyways. I'm gonna try at any rate.


Girl Time

First, today is my cousin's 13th birthday!! Yay Crey!!

Second, all the boys are at Grandma and Grandpa's for their version of Grandma Camp. Ours version is cooler.
In retaliation, all the girls - Hollers, K-Belle, Lil, Jules, and me - are chilling at our house. We made cupcakes, danced a TON, watched Beauty and the Beast, talked about boys, listened to Disney music, colored... Sweet Jules is a bit overwhelmed by the craziness of her older cousins.
We've also encouraged nap time pretty much since we woke up.
She rejects that thought passionately.

Jules: *gets out a book* Lillian gets to read it first because she hasn't read it yet.
Lil: Should I read from the beginning?
Jules (in a very "duh" voice): Well, that's how it's supposed to go!

Last week was another CYT camp, this time for 5-12 year olds. Holly and I were assistants and Brosky and K-Belle were campers.
OMW, it was so fun. I wish I had more pictures, but I was busy most of the time. But it made me want to do HSM this fall so badly.
Which will be hard, for me at any rate. Highschool + CYT + chores + homework + TA shows = a stressed out and exhausted Addi.
Well, farewell Netflix and Pinterest. We've had good times this summer. Expect me back around November.

School starts in THREE WEEKS.
I'm so depressed by this, guys.
In three weeks it'll be all Algebra, essays, uniforms, packed lunches, history, and getting up early.
And BFFs and rehearsals and planning teams for Wild Goose Chase and chapel and concert choir...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Scrumptious Blog Award...

Fantastic word, scrumptious. It always reminds me of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, however.

 1) Once you are awarded, post about it on your blog and leave a link back to the person who awarded you 2) Answer all the questions on the tag 
3) Do not award anyone who has less than 100 followers (*coughI'mignoringthisrulecough*)
4) Come up with ten new questions 
5) Keep your questions clean and refrain from using vile language 
6) Tag 5 to 10 people

Linking this back to Miss Raewyn, at My Spare Oom.

1) What's your favorite wardrobe piece that you can't stop wearing? 
Ooh... that's so hard. Lately it's been my owl sweater (I got it Target in like October, and I've been wearing it again). And my Mary-Kay tinted lip balm!! I'm digging that stuff. 
2) Are you a coffee or tea girl?
Tea. Unless it's Starbucks. Then it's coffee.
3) What are the five best books you've read this year?
Gahhh... Unwind, Unwholly, both by Neal Shusterman. I don't know what else. Oh! Divergent, by Veronica Roth. Annnnd I can't decide what else.
4) Do you wear makeup during the summer or go natural? 
Depends on the day and what I'm doing. Usually I just wear lip stuff and mascara, unless I know I'm gonna be swimming or something, and I skip it all together. Also, when I'm feeling lazy.
5) What are three blogs you can't get enough of?
Gail Carson Levine's blog:
There's another, but I have been sworn to secrecy...
6) If you have a smartphone, what style is your case? Functional and simple or bright and stylish? 
I have a smart phone, but I don't have a case.
If I did, I'd like this one:
iPhone & iPod Cases | Society6
Unfortunately, this case is for an iPhone. I have an Android.
7) Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, Star Trek) or Richard Armitage (North and South, The Hobbit)?
Benedict Cumberbatch. 
8) Do you like classical music?
Yep. I really like soundtracks, which I suppose aren't technically classical, but the similar style... The LotR, Pirate of the Caribbean and Harry Potter music blow me away every time I hear them. But yes, I like actual classical music too. 
9) Have you seen The Great Gatsby? If so, what did you think of it?
I haven't seen it, but I read the book earlier this year. I liked the book, and I want to see the movie.
10) What is your blog about? I'd love to check it out!
It's about my ramblings and life, I guess. 

My questions! :D

1) What is a book that has seriously affected you? Like, after you finished reading it you just had to take deep breaths because you realized you're not the same as when you started it?
2) Do you like change or routine?
3) What's your favorite city you've ever traveled to?
4) What's your favorite TV show?
5) Do you like Shakespeare?
6) Musicals or plays?
7) Early bird or nightowl?
8) What was one major (or minor) turning point in your life?
9) Who in your family do you get along with best? Who are you most like, whether you get along with them or not?
10) What's your favorite memory as a kid?

I'm passing this on to Miss Leolani *pokes you*. 
And anyone who wants to can too, I suppose, but not that many people follow me. :P 
Feel free to answer in the comments too!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One Year

It's been one year since I left India.
That was the shortest year ever, and at the same time it feels like forever ago that I left.
I miss it.
But on the other hand, I've had an epic year here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Addi's Current Favs

This. Freaking. Book. 
And the sequel, UnWholly. 
The next one doesn't come out until October. :(
But here's why I love it: 
It's deep. It's so incredibly deep. It deals with life and death and souls and God and love and I can't freaking get over it. This is one of those books that will haunt you. 
Almost all of the characters have at least one chapter from their perspective. Even the bad guys. So you see everyone's motives and thought process and vulnerabilities, which makes it about 50x more intense. Within the first three pages of the second book, I was already cheering for a new character. I think this might be my new favorite book. 
It is terrifying. In a really powerful way. 
I'm trying to put these feelings into words. 
It makes me want to scream, and cry, and smack some sense into certain characters, and kiss other ones, and I love it, I love it... 
*breathes deeply*
Here's the scariest part. 
The books are divided into parts. At the beginning of each part, the author quotes articles or parts from books. 
And most of them aren't made up. He legitimately cites real articles from the past few years that relate to the story and what's happening. Not only relate, but sometimes are about. 
Honestly, there few things scarier than finding out halfway through the book that it's not as fictional as you thought. He did his research. 
Here's basically what it comes down too: There was a war over abortion, and not only that, but schools shut down (not sure why). Teens weren't in school, and didn't have jobs, and almost toppled the government completely. 
Until someone came up with unwinding. It was a compromise for the ProLife and ProChoice people, and took care of the crazy teenagers. Kids between 13 and 18 could be unwound. Everyone in America knows about organ donors and transplants and stuff. Unwinding is a bigger scale version of that. I think they said 99.4% of the Unwind has to remain alive. 
The Unwinds - either problem kids, or tithes, or wards, or whatever - are taken to Harvest Camps, where their body is cut apart so other people can use the body parts. Hearts, lungs, arms, legs, even eyes. 
And they're alive. It's the most creepy thing I've heard of. Including the Hunger Games.
It's worse than the Hunger Games, first of all because they have little to no chance of winning/escaping, secondly because a lot more kids are affected by it instead of 24 teens a year. And because it's not a drawing. There's no odds.
Nope, the parents or guardians have to sign a paper that says they give permission for their kid to be unwound. It's sick. 
Here's why I liked it better than the Hunger Games (and y'all should know I love the Hunger Games. They're epic.)
Unwind is deeper, more profound, and deals with more issues. Not just humanity and love, but God, death, respect, betrayal, hate, revenge, lost innocence, regret, neglect, fear, hope, leadership...
In the first book, a bunch of kids ask each other at what point a person has a soul. 
If you ask me, that's the whole point of the books. 

That turned into a serious rant. >_> Oops.

Lord of the Rings
Holly and I watched the Two Towers a couple days ago and we're hoping to watch Return of the King tonight. :D
Holly said Gollum was cute. >_> And she fell asleep during the Battle of Helm's Deep. Crazy child.
I love Lord of the Rings. :D If I ever met the Doctor, and I got a ride in the TARDIS, I would go back in time and meet C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. That'd be the most epic thing ever.
I love it. I love the story, I love the characters, I love the songs/poems that are in the books.
I can not wait until the Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug comes out (yes, I watched the trailer. Like fifty times.)

Mumford and Sons
Current favorite music. I like White Blank Page best.


Okay, I have a lot I need to write about. First, I'll try to sum up June, and then this past week.

~PE. That was actually pretty fun. I met some freshmen that are pretty fun, including my "Timothy", the girl I'm supposed to help learn the ropes of Trinity. So that was fun. And we went bowling and played mini golf and went swimming.
~Tulsa. All the cousins on my dad's side of the family went to our grandparent's house up there.  I came a day late because of aforesaid PE, and met them at the lake. We went swimming in the lake, and fishing (well, I didn't fish).  The next day we went to a nursing home and gave cards to people, which was nice. This is going to sound so mean and shallow, but that place kinda creeps me out... it smells weird, and old people are creepy until you start talking to them and stuff. Mac seemed to agree with me on that. Once we actually started talking to them they were really sweet.
We slept outside in a tent most of the time, and when Kaylen woke me up one morning, she was like "Oh, watch out for the spider behind you." I look around and there is a freaking huge spider like a foot from my face. Luckily I was still too tired to scream. The next night we slept inside, and I was reading when a spider crawled across my pillow. Like, right next to my face. It was small though. I killed it.

~Grandma Camp. Let's see. We went swimming like every day, and ate SO MUCH ice cream. We rode our bikes to DQ one day, which hurt more than it probably should have. My bum was sore for the next two days at least. We watched a lot of movies. We blew bubbles, which was super entertaining. We got glow sticks and we had this brilliant idea to cut one open and pour the glow-y stuff into the bubble solution.
That failed. We caught fireflies, put Mentos into Diet Coke, did blind makeovers (that was really fun). We watched probably 15 episodes of Say Yes to the Dress. We tried to do the melted crayon art that I'm sure you've seen pictures of... EPIC fail. We made cake balls that were hideously ugly, but they tasted good. We played Messy Twister with shaving cream that we colored with food coloring. Our hands and legs were pink and purple for a couple days... It was fun though. :D I think that sums up most of Grandma camp. We danced and sang and listened to music a lot too. 

CYT camp!!! :D AND MADELYN WAS HERE!!!! (Madelyn's one of my friends from India. Although she's originally from here.) :DD And we spent the whole week together and it was great!! It hardly makes up for the past year of not seeing it each other, but it was awesome nonetheless. So we spent the week dancing and singing and hanging out. 'Twas awesome. :)
At the showcase, Abby, Lexi, and Josh showed up and surprised us. :D
That's the short version. :P

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I. Am. So. Freaking. Tired.

CYT camp this week, and I LOVE it, it's great, but that plus going straight to the library, I'm EXHAUSTED. This camp is dance emphasis, so I'm kicking and spinning and trying to memorize it all in a week and MY BRAIN HURTS.
OH OH OH. (lol I'm backwards Santa. Bahaha.)
Madelyn, one of my bffs from India, is here and taking the camp with me and it's really cool to have her here.
Seriously, my brain is in pain. I want to turn on my Imagine Dragons and LotR Pandora stations and curl up in a ball.
Like, forever.
So I'm going to bed.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Is the Odd Life of Timothy Green.
None of us girls ("us girls" being me, Hollers, Lil, and Kensi) had seen it, so we watched it tonight.
BIG MISTAKE. Now we have three sobbing girls (Kensi is an emotionless rock, apparently) and all we want to do is watch it again.
I haven't cried this hard since Doomsday.
I will now cry myself to sleep.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

This Week...

Has been a bit crazy. Let's see...

Monday: Braces off. Here's a really hot picture of me right after. :P

I look so scary, but that's the only one I managed to email myself from Mom's phone. >_>
Anyways. Then I went to PE and then the library. So I was gone from like 7:30 am until like 8:00 pm.

Tuesday: I managed to change Mom's phone background to this, much to Mac's amusement...

Again, PE and library. Then I had to pack for Wednesday-Sunday.

Wednesday: Retainer on. At first it hurt, but now I'm pretty much used to it and I don't really care. For PE we went and p[layed mini-golf which was pretty fun, and included a bumper boats ride (we found out later we weren't actually supposed to be allowed on those... oops). Then I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house, because the rest of my family ditched me and went to Oklahoma.
My revenge?
Watch the Amazing Spider-Man for the first time.

Which was I very much liked (and not just because I think he's really, really cute. Although I do think that).

Thursday: Last day of PE!! Which included doughnuts, pizza, and swimming.
Then I came back to Gma's and Gpa's (after we stopped for Sonic shakes. They were half price all day. WIN!) and I made a triple recipe of chocolate chip cookies.

Friday (tomorrow): Gma and Gpa and I will go to Oklahoma, where I will rejoin my siblings and join my cousins and other grandparents and spend the weekend with them. I've "hired" Holly as my blog photographer for this trip, so expect pictures Sunday/Monday.

Now I'm going to find a movie to watch... I wonder if thed Dark Knight is on Amazon Instant Video?? I'm in the superhero movie mood...

Ta-ta for now!

Friday, June 14, 2013


Grandma took Holly and I to see Star Trek today.
I'm at least somewhat familiar with Star Trek, like I knew the ship was called the Enterprise, and I knew Spock was Vulcan and that had something to do with logic and stuff, and I'd seen a few of the old episodes when Grandma used to watch them.
BUT OMC. I loooooved this movie so ridiculously much. I went mostly because a) I was curious b) people kept telling me it was good and c) Benedict Cumberbatch (he plays Sherlock Holmes in BCC's Sherlock, so that's how I knew of him). Holly mostly went because a) Benedict Cumberbatch and b) she wanted popcorn.
But we were both shocked at how much we liked it.
I mean, GREAT acting, some surprising plot twists, parts that were really funny, and parts that were really scary, some awesome effects... And it started sooo well. It started with action, and then went right into a very emotional part, and you're immediately into it.
I've heard that J.J. Abrams, the producer (I think it's producer. Maybe it's director. Same dif, in my opinion) for Star Trek, is also doing Star Wars, Episode VII. THIS GIVES ME SO MUCH HOPE.
So yeah. Loved Star Trek: Into Darkness.
Twas epic. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fort- Check. Make Ice Cream - Check! :D

1. Make Ice Cream

32. Forts

These are some of the things that will happen many times over the summer, but here's to the first! :D
Mac, Kensi, Dad and I had a laser tag game too, Dad and Kensi vs. Mac and Addi.
We lost. >_> But twas still epic!! :D
And then we watched Puss in Boots...again. I love that movie. 
That pretty much wraps up the night.
Ta-ta for now! ;D