Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

Whoa. I'm beginning my third year of blogging. Next year I'm turning 16. o_O Freak-ay!!! The world was theoretically ending 10 days ago. 2013 is right in front of me.

SO. New year's resolutions. Typically, I don't like telling people about my resolutions, but... I do a really bad job of actually sticking with my resolutions. Therefore, I'm putting them on here. I really don't know if anyone but Lilli reads this, but I'm hoping it'll help keep me accountable anyways. Here we go:

-Read the Bible. Every day. Every stinkin day. Right now, I'm terrible about this. I hardly ever open my Bible, which is really sad. I like reading it, but it's just getting up and actually starting that's hard.

-Work out. Oookay, this is desperately needed. I am ridiculously lazy. Here's my goal: three times a week to start out with, I'm gonna do something athletic/physical. And hopefully I'll get more intensive as I go on.

-Write. 300 words a day, not counting journaling or schoolwork. That's a little  more than a page ish.

-Keep my room clean. Except exercising, this is gonna be the hardest. But this is also really needed.

Annnd, I think that's about it. OH!!! Okay, so one of the ladies whose blog I follow does this and I think it's brilliant. Each month, on like the first or whatever, she makes a list of goals. Then at the end of the month, she grades herself on how well she stuck with those goals. I'm thinking about doing that, because it's easier to think in months than in years. :P

Happy New Year!!

P.S. M'kay, I'm kinda dying to brag to someone. I finished the semester of school with As in every stinkin class, even Biology and Geometry!!!! AHHHH!!! :DD

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


LOTR trilogy
One Direction and Taylor Swift
YAYAYAYAY!!!!! I'm sooo excited. These have been on my wish list for a while. Hollers got a giant panda and an art set,  and Mac and Kensi got about a thousand Legos each. I think my favorite present was this: Each of us girls got a bracelet with a cut out in the shape of India and the word "pray". Mac and Dad got the same thing except in a key chain.
Merry Christmas. :)
Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulders, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Us looking totally attractive. 
Twas the Night before Christmas,
And all through the house...
The children were singing and dancing around. 
Addi sat typing her words with care, 
In hope that her readers soon would be there. 

Annnd... I got nothing else. :P Poetry is not my forte.
Well, it's Christmas Eve!! :D I can't believe the year is over... so much has changed since last Christmas. Well, last Christmas I was in Paris. And the year before that it was India. Weird!! o_O 
Today we drove back from Oklahoma, where we spent the weekend. We had a lot of fun there. We went to the park twice, I drove a sports car, we ate sooo much ice cream, climbed trees, colored our hair, watched the Princess Bride, talked, and celebrated Christmas.
Sydney, Holly, Ezra and Kensi and I colored our hair. I know mine looks red, but it's pink. Sydney did purple, Ezra did blue, Hollers did blue and green, and Kensi did blue. We used chalk, and it actually worked really well!! The lighter the hair, the better, so Hollers and I got the best results. 
Sydney and I coloring our hair. 
Me, Ezra, Sydney
Holly's cheerful. (You can't see her hair very well. :P)

This morning, we opened cousin presents! Which kid was assigned another cousin to buy a gift for. I got Weston, the youngest of the cousins, (he's three) his present. It was a little bulldozer thing. He was delighted, so I was happy. x) Sooo many Legos were received between all the kids. It was ridiculous. 
Now! I've got to finish a section of a story, email it, publish this, get ready for bed and read before Santa can properly come, so I'm going to turn in. Feliz Navidad!! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Addi's Current Favs

Ooohhh. I love this TV show. xD I discovered it via Pinterest, and found episodes on the internet. I'm up to season 2 now. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I've been reading Dragons in Our Midst, a series about King Arthur and Merlin and dragons, so I enjoy the parallels.

Writing Letters
I mentioned this on my "Holidays" post. I've been writing letters back and forth with a girl in California, and I very much enjoy it. She decorates and draws on the envelopes, which makes them almost epicer. :D Plus, she's a writer, so I  get to anticipate more of her stories, too. 

Okay, this is more than a "current" favorite of mine. I have always loved musicals. Right now, however, I am in one. I'm in Babes in Toyland, and I play a sheep and a spider. It's a lot of dancing, which is awesome. :D Of course, Tech Week is the week before finals, so my grades could go down immensely. Auditions for Fiddler on the Roof, the school musical, are tomorrow as well. Which I'm pretty nervous about. :P
Now I must sleep!


Well, it's officially December!!
And Tech Week for the musical has begun, and finals are next week, auditions for Fiddler on the Roof are tomorrow, and I'm starting to get stressed. I feel like I've taken on a ton, but I don't want to give any of it up. :P
Oh, and I failed at NaNoWriMo. I think I have 13,350 ish words. Haha, it was really fun though. I would sit here and write more, (I'm in the mood to) but I need sleep. :P
So farewell for now!