Friday, June 14, 2013


Grandma took Holly and I to see Star Trek today.
I'm at least somewhat familiar with Star Trek, like I knew the ship was called the Enterprise, and I knew Spock was Vulcan and that had something to do with logic and stuff, and I'd seen a few of the old episodes when Grandma used to watch them.
BUT OMC. I loooooved this movie so ridiculously much. I went mostly because a) I was curious b) people kept telling me it was good and c) Benedict Cumberbatch (he plays Sherlock Holmes in BCC's Sherlock, so that's how I knew of him). Holly mostly went because a) Benedict Cumberbatch and b) she wanted popcorn.
But we were both shocked at how much we liked it.
I mean, GREAT acting, some surprising plot twists, parts that were really funny, and parts that were really scary, some awesome effects... And it started sooo well. It started with action, and then went right into a very emotional part, and you're immediately into it.
I've heard that J.J. Abrams, the producer (I think it's producer. Maybe it's director. Same dif, in my opinion) for Star Trek, is also doing Star Wars, Episode VII. THIS GIVES ME SO MUCH HOPE.
So yeah. Loved Star Trek: Into Darkness.
Twas epic. 

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