Sunday, August 31, 2014


So I have posted in a month and a half.


It's not like I'm busy, either. I mean I am now, sort of.

Not really. >_>

So here's what's up.

School started. I turned seventeen. I'm playing Sister Margaretta in The Sound of Music with CYT. I don't like Pre-Calculus. I've watched a LOT of Once Upon a Time in the past month. Doctor Who is back. I love Fahrenheit 451. We went to Colorado Springs. I have a severe caffeine addiction and it's getting worse. I want to go shopping for fall-ish dresses. I like rain. I did the ice bucket challenge. I got a new phone that has a REALLY GOOD camera, which is crazy exciting. I've listened to Problem by Ariana Grande so many times it's ridiculous. That song is my jam.

Here's a bunch of pictures. Enjoy.