Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm not a nerd.

Bahahaha... the quote is the best. 

My life
>_> So I got called a nerd like four times this week...
I still say I'm not smart enough to be a nerd. :P
I love the way our neighbor worded it. xD I was flipping out about the cover FOR ALLEGIANT (AHHHHH) and he was like "Most people get excited for movies and stuff." Mom: "She gets excited for movies, too, but mostly books." Him: "Huh... She's a unique person."
I started dying, I was laughing so hard.
Oh, here's the cover.

I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!! :D The book comes out this fall, and I'm extremely impatient. The first two were awesome.
Gosh. The author keeps posting these little hints and stuff on her blog, and I'm dying of curiosity.
Ooh, okay, so I didn't say anything about Star Wars day, but Mac, Dad and I all were very excited about it.
Last night Mac and I watched part of Return of the Jedi and then today I started Heir to the Empire again. It's such a good book. I love Star Wars. But I really don't like the prequels. AND I'm extremely nervous about the new Disney Star Wars movies. >_> So basically I just like the old movies and the books. :D Which I want more of. :P
Speaking of movies! Me and some of my bestest friends went to see Iron Man 3 when it came out. I liked it a lot. Tony Stark is very entertaining. x)
Now, I'm going to search the library website. Adios!

1 comment:

  1. Addi Grace, you are an absolute pro at geeking. My friend Elyse once defined it as a hobby. We say it is one of our favorite hobbies. ^_^ And you? You go above and beyond. xD I love the little interaction with your mom and neighbor, and especially the emphasis on BOOKS! >=D

    We don't have enough overlap in our geekdoms, though. U_U We do have SOME, though. =D And in time, it may well increase. ^_^

    And that first picture... xD Oh, wow. I laughed in spite of myself. That's so awesome!
