Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Addi's Current Favs

I am a dork. I love posting these. xD
VERY true
Technically, I do not have an account, which requires Facebook, which I'm not allowed to get. But I follow my friend's boards and, OMC, I want one so bad. :P The problem is I would get sooo addicted. :P

Legolas = Epic

I love it. Dad, Mac and I take a class on Tuesdays, and it is a ton of fun. It's pretty epic feeling. ^_^

At school, we have "block days" on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It basically means we have only four classes instead of eight. Sounds tedious, but I love it. Wednesdays I have my fun classes, Bible, English, Intro to Theater and Spanish, plus chapel. My school's chapel is AMAZING.
I loved today's especially. We sang this song: (Beautiful Things by Gungor)
There was a harp, mandolin, and violin, as well as guitar, drums, voices, keyboard, etc. It was beautiful. The speaker's message linked back to as well, which was awesome.
He talked about whatever pain or struggle we might be going through, it's just part of the process of God making us something perfect for His glory. He's making us beautiful.
 I just want to leave y'all with that. :)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds a bit like our block schedule. (slightly different classes and it's Tuesdays and Thursdays) Your worship team sounds huge compared to ours. How big is your school?
