Sunday, April 24, 2011

Street Veiw.

OK, this is totally normal! It freaked me out the first few times a cow came so close to the car you could touch it, but I'm used to it now. Sometimes you even see people milking them!! Also, there's often piles of trash lying around (that would explain the smell:) And rickshaws and dogs and people begging or trying to sell stuff. The thing that gets to me the most is people begging. If the car stops, they come and knock on the windows, asking for food or money. Mostly old men, moms or girls with babies or really little kids. It's sad, and I want to help, but Mom told me a lot of them are a part of groups, so if you help them you're encouraging the problem. I don't like that at all!
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1 comment:

  1. O MY COW!! (litterally) thats crazy. r these pix you actually took? cool!! (that is a lot of bananas!! wow!)
