- Epic, three-dimensional female characters. Skye. Bobbi. May. Simmons. Reyna. I love the depth of each and every woman on this show. I never feel like the girls are weak or unrealistic or forced. They're all flawed, and unique, and fun, and interesting, and likable. Even Reyna.
- The cast. First of all, they're all perfect for their roles. Second of all, they're great (I mean, as far as I know) in real life. If you want proof, please look up the Agent Carter vs. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. dubsmash battle. It is glorious. (Speaking of Agent Carter, holy smokes is that show stunning. Please watch that as well.)
Simmons and I have the same feelings about Peggy Carter.
- Beautiful combat scenes. So. Good.
- Humor. This goes back to wit, but seriously this show is hilarious.
- Superpowers. I'm a sucker for superheroes.
- Drama. This too.
- Attractive men by the dozen. Goodness me. Ward. Lincoln. Tripp. Mack. Hunter. Seriously, where do they find these men. That being said, I also completely appreciate their characters and personalities. Hunter is so funny, Mack is wise, Fitz is basically perfection, Coulson is human, Ward is... Well. Ward is something else. I really don't think there's a character on this show I truly dislike. Whitehall. Whitehall is horrible.
- Attractive men by the dozen. Goodness me. Ward. Lincoln. Tripp. Mack. Hunter. Seriously, where do they find these men. That being said, I also completely appreciate their characters and personalities. Hunter is so funny, Mack is wise, Fitz is basically perfection, Coulson is human, Ward is... Well. Ward is something else.
Seriously. That jawline.
- Plots that remain engaging, surprising, and epic after three years. I have watched this show for almost three years and I still love it. I haven't gotten sick of it, which does happen with some shows sometime in the third or fourth season. The plots always feel new and fresh, but they make sense (well, within the universe of the show). I can distinctly remember episodes that shocked me to my core and kept me up thinking about them and made me scream because WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING.
- Cool tech.
- FitzSimmons. Fitz and Simmons. Simmons and Fitz. FiTzSiMmOnS.
- Real-life application:
-- the very best people are flawed and make mistakes (Coulson, May, pretty much every character on the show)
-- just because someone is on the "wrong" side doesn't mean they're evil
-- tragedy doesn't justify brutality
-- the entire Inhuman arc speaks for itself
- The dynamics between characters.
- So much depth. Backstories, overarching plots, subtle actions and dialogue that aren't important for a year or more. I love shows that do that. Love. It.
- So much depth. Backstories, overarching plots, subtle actions and dialogue that aren't important for a year or more. I love shows that do that. Love. It.
- Moral complexity. Seriously, I love shows/books/etc. that deal with war and humanity and what is right and wrong. Complex situations that force you to think fascinate me.
- It is, at its core, a spy show. And who doesn't love a spy show?
- It is, at its core, a spy show. And who doesn't love a spy show?
- The character development. The difference between characters in season one and season three is mind-blowing and it's beautiful.
- How it goes with the MCU. References to Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff? Plots that match up to the events of CATWS? Lady Sif showing up? Yes, please.
So basically, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of the most underrated shows ever. It's completely amazing and you should go watch it. You will be a better person for it. That's a scientific fact, I'm sure.
So basically, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of the most underrated shows ever. It's completely amazing and you should go watch it. You will be a better person for it. That's a scientific fact, I'm sure.
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