Saturday, September 7, 2013


Auditions for HSM were last night. 
And now we're in the worst part. The waiting. I hate waiting. "Patience is for wimps," as someone once said. 
The cast list won't be posted until tomorrow around five. I am like crazy nervous, and Mac and Kensi are trying not to think about it. 
I think we did good. I hope so. 
Here's the deal: this is Mac and Kensi's first audition. So I really want them to get in, because I don't want them to be so heartbroken that they never audition again. That would suck. 
Holly and I have done this before, so even if we don't get in, we'll just audition for the next show. We'll be disappointed, but not completely crushed. 
I'm so nervous, y'all. And OMC, when the littles were singing, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. But they did really well. 
I get nervous for me too, but once I'm on stage, I'm fine. Which is good. 
Before auditions. Angie, Mac, Daniel, Hollers, Kensi. 

On the bright side, WILD GOOSE CHASE IS TONIGHT!!! HOLLAH!!!!
I need to go find a Star Wats tshirt. >_> Hopefully Target has a cheap one, or Wal-Mart. If not, I'll go to Hot Topic. I just don't want to pay very much. >_< 

OH. I never blogged about the awkward elbow pic!  
Awkward elbow pic. Featuring the elbows of Joel, Morgan, Hollers, and me. NSAers forever. 
Joel, Morgan, and their parents are some of our friends from India. Who we hadn't seen in over a year. They've been in the States since like June, and we trying to figure out a good way to meet up. 
It didn't look like it was going to happen until like Tuesday night. 
Mom woke me up Wednesday morning with the announcement: "We're going to have company tonight!" 
Me: (half-asleep) "Whaaat?"
They explained, and I was crazy excited all day at school. Pretty much everyone I talked to got informed of the fact I was seeing my friends that night. Lexi was almost the only one who got excited for me. And Josh, I guess. 
And then they came, and it was so fun. We talked, about India, and BBC (they are Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Merlin fans too), and books, and other random things. 
It was great. 
And we played Laser Tag and Apples to Apples. 
That pretty much put me in a good mood for the rest of the week. 

This concludes this blog post. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa...O_O I remember those two people in the first pic. Sweet elbow pic. I'm glad you got to see the Raines, Addi!
