1) There are very few things I've found to be more frustrating than getting told on Tuesday that you have to write an essay by Friday. Mostly because it's pretty research heavy. HOW am I supposed to write something good in three days after school when I have homework and rehearsal and chores and LIFE.
2) I promise you, I'm trying to like school. My Algebra 2 teacher has won my respect and my opinion that he is awesome, even id I hate the subject. And he is a really good teacher. YEAH BROOKS!! :D
3) I get to write a story for Newspaper!!! WOOOO!!!! It's about the musical. :D I know y'all know NOTHING about this show, but I need that. If you were reading a story about the school musical, what would you want to know? I'm in the show, so outside opinions are helpful. Email me or comment, please. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, and I'm kinda nervous...
4) Guys. Apologetics. I could literally gush about this class as much as I gush about Benedict Cumberbatch's eyes, or Uncle Rick's books, or the fact that A LOT of epic movies come out this fall.
BUT OMC. I love it. We sit on the floor with blankets, it's all girls, we get food sometimes, we actually get to discuss things, and get good answers to questions about God and Creation and stuff.
And testimonies. Oh. My. Word. So, in the first week, Mrs. B, our teacher, had us type up our testimonies. And everyday in class we draw a name, and that person shares. Sometimes it involves crying, usually hugging, always praying and it is always followed by someone saying "You're hot and we love you." *coughMaddiecough* xD It is so great. I feel like we're coming together, and it's weird, because some things you kinda know-ish, and other things you're like "Whaaaaaat? I had no idea that happened to you!!"
So. Yes. Win. Highlight of the Whole. Freaking. Year.
And a lizard.

2) I promise you, I'm trying to like school. My Algebra 2 teacher has won my respect and my opinion that he is awesome, even id I hate the subject. And he is a really good teacher. YEAH BROOKS!! :D
3) I get to write a story for Newspaper!!! WOOOO!!!! It's about the musical. :D I know y'all know NOTHING about this show, but I need that. If you were reading a story about the school musical, what would you want to know? I'm in the show, so outside opinions are helpful. Email me or comment, please. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, and I'm kinda nervous...
4) Guys. Apologetics. I could literally gush about this class as much as I gush about Benedict Cumberbatch's eyes, or Uncle Rick's books, or the fact that A LOT of epic movies come out this fall.
BUT OMC. I love it. We sit on the floor with blankets, it's all girls, we get food sometimes, we actually get to discuss things, and get good answers to questions about God and Creation and stuff.
And testimonies. Oh. My. Word. So, in the first week, Mrs. B, our teacher, had us type up our testimonies. And everyday in class we draw a name, and that person shares. Sometimes it involves crying, usually hugging, always praying and it is always followed by someone saying "You're hot and we love you." *coughMaddiecough* xD It is so great. I feel like we're coming together, and it's weird, because some things you kinda know-ish, and other things you're like "Whaaaaaat? I had no idea that happened to you!!"
So. Yes. Win. Highlight of the Whole. Freaking. Year.
And a lizard.
1) That's some sort of cruel and unusual punishment! >=(
ReplyDelete2) Woohoo! ^_^
3) Addi Grace, soon to be a published author! =DD
4) Ahh!!! x) I love apologetics too... and that's just so beautiful about how the whole class functions and relates and... ahh!!! x) *hug*
Such a nice lizard. U_U Huh, funny, that's the first episode I watched. xD