Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Loverly Day

It has been a good day.
Sleeping in. Chocolate chip pancakes. Eight Oaks meeting. Chilling at home. The Blonde Mafia. Writing. The Book Thief. Music. Isaiah. Audition practice. Newspaper. Pita Pit. A cookie. 

Yes. A beautiful day. 

And now I'm finishing it with an episode or two of Merlin.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Thing. Well, Four Things. Well, Four Things and a Lizard.

1) There are very few things I've found to be more frustrating than getting told on Tuesday that you have to write an essay by Friday. Mostly because it's pretty research heavy. HOW am I supposed to write something good in three days after school when I have homework and rehearsal and chores and LIFE.

2) I promise you, I'm trying to like school. My Algebra 2 teacher has won my respect and my opinion that he is awesome, even id I hate the subject. And he is a really good teacher. YEAH BROOKS!! :D

3) I get to write a story for Newspaper!!! WOOOO!!!! It's about the musical. :D I know y'all know NOTHING about this show, but I need that. If you were reading a story about the school musical, what would you want to know? I'm in the show, so outside opinions are helpful. Email me or comment, please. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, and I'm kinda nervous...

4) Guys. Apologetics. I could literally gush about this class as much as I gush about Benedict Cumberbatch's eyes, or Uncle Rick's books, or the fact that A LOT of epic movies come out this fall.
BUT OMC. I love it. We sit on the floor with blankets, it's all girls, we get food sometimes, we actually get to discuss things, and get good answers to questions about God and Creation and stuff. 
And testimonies. Oh. My. Word. So, in the first week, Mrs. B, our teacher, had us type up our testimonies. And everyday in class we draw a name, and that person shares. Sometimes it involves crying, usually hugging, always praying and it is always followed by someone saying "You're hot and we love you." *coughMaddiecough* xD It is so great. I feel like we're coming together, and it's weird, because some things you kinda know-ish, and other things you're like "Whaaaaaat? I had no idea that happened to you!!"
So. Yes. Win. Highlight of the Whole. Freaking. Year.

And a lizard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Oh, dear... We're two days into it, and it's not looking good, folks.
I don't think it'll be too hard, except chemistry. Oh, gosh, that class scares me.

Well, let's start with the good parts.
~Friends. YAAAAY people!! Besties!! :D I missed my little not-real-family this summer.
~Newspaper. I'm sooo excited for this. I want to learn how it works, and how to interview people, and I want to write, and practice, and get better. I think it'd be fun to be editor someday. Hmm... ^_^
~Concert Choir. Love. I love singing. I love all the people being in it. I love how we sound. I love that I get the green dress instead of the black one. 
~The Musical. Ahhhh it's in like a month!!! :D I'm really digging being in the small cast. I like the people, and we all talk in British accents (of varying accuracy). Plus I get to wear a Victorian dress. xD And there's dancing and singing and happiness! Abby and I are in the chorus, and Lexi kinda got dragged into being assistant stage manager. Woot, woot!!
~Apologetics. Best. Class. It's all girls, which means it's super chill, and almost all my best friends are in it. And I want to learn this stuff. I'm really excited.
~Hanging out with my friends in the computer lab after school. It's us and the Minecraft guys. I think we'll start filming again soon. This is code for eating candy, drinking Mountain Dew, and driving Mr.Wolf crazy. And entertaining him. xD We just came in and talked (well, talked might not be the right word with our gang...) about history today. He had that amused "You guys are crazy what is wrong with you" look on.
~Spanish. I love my Spanish teacher. She is awesome.
~Chapel. Starts tomorrow!! YAY!!! :D
That's pretty much all I got.

The Stuff I'm Not Sure About Yet:
Chemistry. U.S. History teacher. Algebra 2. Small groups (they start Thursday, but I'm pretty excited. ).

The Parts I Want To Kill (Note: This is all me ranting. You do not have to read my pessimistic complaints):
Sperrys. English. U.S. History class.

Sperrys. >_> Our school has gotten very... um *tries to think of a non-critical word* specific about what shoes we can wear this year. And I'll be honest, it is pushing my patience.
I've never been a fan of the uniforms, but I get it. I understand the logic. And then came the shoe rule. It basically says wear Sperrys, although Oxfords work too.
I. Hate. Sperrys. Well, I hate them on me. I think they're adorable on other people. But grrrr the whole school wearing them, plus our uniforms, makes us look like an incredibly preppy army.
I need some room to make choices, people. As do all my classmates, I'm guessing. If you get to choose what we're wearing, and learning, and have rules about every freaking thing, I feel like I'm in a prison.
And I'll try to break those rules, for the sake of choosing that. It's happened before and I try not to, but ooh... I need room to breathe, and room to make decisions. They're not giving us that. And oh, it drives me crazy. I want to wear Converse and pink socks. Why is that a problem?
I grew up doing school in pajamas and sweatpants, so maybe it's just me, but, ugh.
OH. The internet at Trinity blocks Pinterest and Facebook. It drives me insane. Sometimes when I'm stuck at school, I'll want to find a freewrite prompt, or look at outfits, or message someone on Facebook, and it's blocked. No. Just no. If people are going to get on there during school, that's their choice. If they end up with a bad grade, sucks for them. Besides, you just use your phone and turn off wi-fi. Except that's a pain and I have use up my precious data.
It's so control-y this year. T_T

English... oh, oh, oh. This was my favorite academic class last year. I loved it.
This year... How do I put this sensitively? I'm scared it'll be too... easy? It's just, the teacher has this way of treating us like we're in kindergarten.
And it grates on my nerves so. Freaking. Much. It's like aaaagggghh we're all between fourteen and sixteen years old. We know how to spell our names.

So, that's frustrating.

And I've never really liked U.S. History. I LOVE World History, but U.S... I think it's mostly because starting in like first grade, you cover the same things up until high school. And we have to memorize states and capitals and presidents. >_> I'm planning on moving to Asia or Europe, so...
On the bright side, Paul, my "brother" is in that class, and I think we will have a lot of fun. xD Mwahahaha.

AND will someone please explain why we are forced to learn Algebra and Chemistry??
I seriously have no idea when the heck I will ever use that. Ever.

Why don't they teach us how to like, pay bills or something? I've heard that we will use that.

I have yet to find something useful being taught in highschool.
Okay, I take that back. Writing. And choir. And Spanish. Annnnd that's it, I think.
-_- Wow. Three out of my eight classes, and two are electives.Well, apologetics. I think that'll be good. And they don't even teach that in most schools.

So, basically, two days into school, and it's just reminding me how much I loathe it and love it at the same time.

I am trying to be optimistic.

And I do love my school, mostly. I just really needed to rant all that now, so I'll be able to deal with it for the rest of the year without killing someone or getting detention for breaking a rule (yeah, I'm exaggerating).

Pray for me, and everyone else starting school. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dear Whoever Made Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Movie... Shame On You.

I'm not kidding. How COULD you? That is on of the most epic books I've ever read and you... You DESTROYED it!!!
You even got the plot wrong. I mean, I'm the kind of person who thinks movies have to be /exactly/ like the book (something which hopefully I can change so I'll stop making death threats), but this was just hideous. 
Even the original Greek myths were butchered. Poseidon didn't kill Kronos, you idiots. And Riptide belonged to Hercules, not Poseidon.
It didn't even follow the plot. 
HOW. WHY??!???
And even as a movie it was bad, like not even just as a book adaptation. The characters were flat.
Friend: In what way? [Did it not follow the plot?]
Me: He killed Kronos.
Friend: WHAT. What else? Not sure I want to know... But tell me
Me: Basically, if it was in the book, it wasn't in the movie
Friend: Can you be a little more specific?
Me: I'm 100% serious.
Friend: They didn't go to the Sea of Monsters? u_U
Me: They did. For two minutes. And one monster that WASN'T EVER RIGHT.
Friend: *even. Which one was it?
Me The whirlpool one (Charybdis?) BUT THEY DID IT WRONG. They went in her stomach.
Friend: What the heck...No Cerce? No Blackbeard? No guinea Percy?
Me: Nope. Nada. Zilch.
Friend: No Reyna which basically sorta kinda not really sets up Heroes of Olympus?
Me: No Circe's Island AT ALL. TYSON WAS WRONG. He didn't act awesome and adorable. He was "meh" at best. Clarrise was WAY too nice. No Yankee's cap. No chariot races, no demon pigeons. The Mist is now sold in perfume bottles.
Friend: What about Thalia?
Me: Yes, Thalia, but they kinda made her lame. HORRIBLE lines. Like seriously, the script sucked.
There was a lot of forced humor that failed. No Grover trapped on the island. No man eating sheep. No dream about Grocer in a wedding dress. No Lastrygonians. They called the Princess Andromeda just Andromeda and said she was a yacht. SHE'S A CRUISE SHIP FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. I hated it. I really did. No Sally Jackson. Annabeth's annoying and boring.
Friend: Woooow...

Oh, and I got the Firefly joke. THAT was good.

OMW. I literally said all this before I saw this video, but if you want to know it's not just me who HATES this movie, click here. Thank you, CassJayTuck for understanding me.

Happy Birthday to Me!! ;)

I had a pretty sweet birthday. :) a couple of my friends and I went to Pure Entertainment, which is this huge bounce house place. I had a ton of fun, and they all said it was awesome, so I consider it a success. :D
Plus I got this wonderful present, which I'm probably more excited about than I should be.

But it's not just a sonic screwdriver. It lights up and makes the sonic screwdriver sound, and  IT'S A PEN. :O 
I seriously have put it down like twice since I got it.

Thanks to all my friends and family who helped make my birthday epic. ^_^

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Well, I Stink At Laser Tag...

I went for the first time for Lexi's birthday party. It was so extremely fun, but I fail at it. xP
Birthdays!! :D
Abby and Lexi both had parties last week, both of which were fun. :D
Annnnnd I turn sixteen next week. O_o Weird.
OH!! I got my "restricted licence". I can drive by myself in certain situations and times. I'm not quite sure what those situations and times are, though...
*pause to clean the basement*
*like two hours later* 
Am I the only one who has "Really, God? Are you kidding me?" moments? 
Now is totally one of those times. I had today neatly planned out. I was going to freewrite, post on here, write for hours, maybe drink coffee...
And then we went to clean up the basement...
And found mold. It's been raining for like the past month (until today) and apparently we have a leak.
So now the littles and I are chilling at our grandparent's house while Mom and Dad investigate further. 
On the bright side, we'll probably go swimming. 
But if the mold thing is bad...
God, please don't let it be bad. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Insomnia Part 2

I finished the Circles of Seven. I'm going to bed. 
It's 3:00 am. 


Is there like, a place I can get tested or something? Because this is ridiculous. Right now it's summer, so it's kinda annoying because I have church tomorrow, but what am I gonna do if I can't sleep at 2 am on a school night?? 
I was even kinda active today, and I didn't have... Well, I had coffee this morning, I guess, but that was like 14 hours ago. Gaaaahhh. 
And there's no chores to do. I read Uncle Tom's Cabin for like an hour already (I just started Chapter Nine, I think). I should probably read it more, but I can't right now. e_e I want to watch Merlin, actually. =P
I'm gonna read the Circles of Seven for a bit, I think. And then maybe pin a little if I'm still awake... And then we'll see. 
Oh, yeah. It's 12:42 currently. @_@ 

Saturday, August 3, 2013


I spent a little over ten dollars and got an adorable pair of black pumps and ice cream.
I'm extremely excited about this. I'd wanted the shoes when Mom and I went several weeks ago, but they were like thirty bucks.
They'd been marked down to $8.98, baby.  HOLLAH!!! 
Hollers, Lil, and I were in Target for two hours by ourselves. We tested chairs, and wore backpacks (Lil found a One Direction backpack and I had an Avengers one), ate ice cream, tried on shoes...It was fun. xD
I finally finished Lord of the Flies last night. I'd been putting it off. =P Now I'm going to finish Ender's Game and then I'll read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom's Cabin is one of those books that's really hard to start. Once I start reading and I'm into it, it's all good, but I usually just don't want to sit down and read it.
I haven't been writing very much lately, y'all. Fail me. I've been busy being social.
Because cousins are here. :D Yesterday we played like fifty rounds of Twister, charades, and Party, and went swimming. I really wish that I could like get images from my brain onto the computer. Like Lil during Twister, and Hollers and K-Belle doing round-offs into the pool. We broke out the glowsticks last night too. =D
Later our family will go over to Lil's house for Crey's 13th birthday party. Woot, woot!! :D
Tata for now!

P.P.S. Crap. Uncle Tom's Cabin is due Monday... It's reading crunch time, gang.