Fantastic word, scrumptious. It always reminds me of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, however.
1) Once you are awarded, post about it on your blog and leave a link back to the person who awarded you 2) Answer all the questions on the tag
3) Do not award anyone who has less than 100 followers (*coughI'mignoringthisrulecough*)
4) Come up with ten new questions
5) Keep your questions clean and refrain from using vile language
6) Tag 5 to 10 people
Linking this back to Miss Raewyn, at My Spare Oom.
1) What's your favorite wardrobe piece that you can't stop wearing?
Ooh... that's so hard. Lately it's been my owl sweater (I got it Target in like October, and I've been wearing it again). And my Mary-Kay tinted lip balm!! I'm digging that stuff.
2) Are you a coffee or tea girl?
Tea. Unless it's Starbucks. Then it's coffee.
3) What are the five best books you've read this year?
Gahhh... Unwind, Unwholly, both by Neal Shusterman. I don't know what else. Oh! Divergent, by Veronica Roth. Annnnd I can't decide what else.
4) Do you wear makeup during the summer or go natural?
Depends on the day and what I'm doing. Usually I just wear lip stuff and mascara, unless I know I'm gonna be swimming or something, and I skip it all together. Also, when I'm feeling lazy.
5) What are three blogs you can't get enough of?
Gail Carson Levine's blog: http://gailcarsonlevine.blogspot.com
Raewyn'sblog: http://wwwmyspareoom.blogspot.com/
There's another, but I have been sworn to secrecy...
6) If you have a smartphone, what style is your case? Functional and simple or bright and stylish?
I have a smart phone, but I don't have a case.
If I did, I'd like this one:
Unfortunately, this case is for an iPhone. I have an Android.
7) Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, Star Trek) or Richard Armitage (North and South, The Hobbit)?
Benedict Cumberbatch.
8) Do you like classical music?
Yep. I really like soundtracks, which I suppose aren't technically classical, but the similar style... The LotR, Pirate of the Caribbean and Harry Potter music blow me away every time I hear them. But yes, I like actual classical music too.
9) Have you seen The Great Gatsby? If so, what did you think of it?
I haven't seen it, but I read the book earlier this year. I liked the book, and I want to see the movie.
10) What is your blog about? I'd love to check it out!
It's about my ramblings and life, I guess.
My questions! :D
1) What is a book that has seriously affected you? Like, after you finished reading it you just had to take deep breaths because you realized you're not the same as when you started it?
2) Do you like change or routine?
3) What's your favorite city you've ever traveled to?
4) What's your favorite TV show?
5) Do you like Shakespeare?
6) Musicals or plays?
7) Early bird or nightowl?
8) What was one major (or minor) turning point in your life?
9) Who in your family do you get along with best? Who are you most like, whether you get along with them or not?
10) What's your favorite memory as a kid?
I'm passing this on to Miss Leolani *pokes you*.
And anyone who wants to can too, I suppose, but not that many people follow me. :P
Feel free to answer in the comments too!
You are so sweet! So glad you could join in for the questions. :) Your owl sweater sounds adorable, and I love film soundtracks also! Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are favorites of mine. God bless!