There are moments when I realize how much I miss that school. :)
Like right now. I've discovered several NSAers' (or past NSAers') blogs, and all the emoticons and little expressions like "'Twas" and references to the KOOTOMP and stiff and I'm like T_T I MISS YOOOOU. :( And I haven't made it to most freewrite parties lately, so I've been relying on Madelyn and Joel to keep me somewhat up to date.
I wish I could have been there for highschool and become a KOTOOMP. :P
Oops... for you non-NSAers, let explain a few things...
a) NSA stands for Northstar Academy, an online school I went to for a year while in India.
b) KOTOOMP stands for Knight of the Order of Many Posts, whose mission is basically keep the NAAT (Noble and Ancient Thread) alive.
c) The CRTN (Confederate Revolutionary Thread of NSA) opposes them. They try to have more posts than the KOTOOMP, which is pretty much impossible, because the NAAT has... *checks* a lot of posts.
d) That's about all the explaining you get, because let's face it, NSA is very, very, very confusing unless you're an NSAer.
Go away you stupid red squiggly lines! NSAer is spelled right!
Gosh, I'm tired.
You should have seen me in New Testament today... yeah, I was rambling about... I don't remember. Something random. v_v
In Spanish, someone dared say she saw the Hunger Games movie, but didn't read the book. I just stared.
Then she made it worse. She said, "I hate reading."
My face was a mix of horror, shock, and pure "I-will-kill-you-later" glare. -_-
Trey and Silas started laughing at me. >_> But I was horrified.
Books are such wonderful things! Filled with secrets and worlds and wonder!
Ooh, that's a rant for another time.
*turns on the radio*
Ya know, this blog is turning into a journal of sorts. It's less, well, personal because it's on the internet and people are reading it, but it's kind of the record of my life. :P
I should go to bed...
OMC, summer is in EIGHT DAYS!! :D :D
This post needs a picture... *searches*
Hehehe, found one...
The unofficial NSA mascot... the kinkajou.
*considers explaining*
*looks for the explanation*
I don't have it.
Ooh! I has the EOYAs (End of Year Awards) from last year, though. I was nominated for Most Likely to Succeed (YESH!), Most Likely to Get Their Work Done On Time (bahahahahaha, I think that was Madelyn. I cracked up when I read it. Mom laughed even harder.), Most Responsible (more hysterical laughter), Best Writer (*coughJoelcough* ;), Best Poet (okay, really? I'm horrible at poetry.), Most Likely to Use a Chatting Shortcut Out Loud (guilty), and Will Be Missed the Most (awww.... :( Love you guys).
Gosh. I didn't do too bad. ;)
Annnnd I'm now going to cry. :'(
I've rambled a TON.
I blame Lace and Jamie and their blogs... which I was stalking...
I mostly miss the CrWr (Creative Writing) folder. I miss reading all the beautiful poems and the awesome stories and the SLs... like right now, I really want to read that Star Wars one that Cece and Shalom were writing, about Alana and Molahs (I'm pretty sure that was his name).
Annnnd I miss the people.
Sorry, this was really random and probably really boring. :P
P.S. Sooo I got one of my EPIC NSA friends to send me the explanation... Here ya go. ;)
a bazooka. AND they've sworn to kill all porkypines. Bascially they're the
reason that there are only four ghosts for Pacman to fight. They're the reason
Bill Clinton didn't get elected for a third term. THEY'RE the reason that Davy
Jones only went on land once every ten years. Story about the heart? Big joke.
Kinkajous? Yeah, he's terrified. They're also the reason that the Joker won't
be returning for Batman 3. They crack down on evil. They're like Batman but
they rock. How tough are these guys? They eat porkypines for breakfast. Do you
feel safe? Good. u_u
Like right now. I've discovered several NSAers' (or past NSAers') blogs, and all the emoticons and little expressions like "'Twas" and references to the KOOTOMP and stiff and I'm like T_T I MISS YOOOOU. :( And I haven't made it to most freewrite parties lately, so I've been relying on Madelyn and Joel to keep me somewhat up to date.
I wish I could have been there for highschool and become a KOTOOMP. :P
Oops... for you non-NSAers, let explain a few things...
a) NSA stands for Northstar Academy, an online school I went to for a year while in India.
b) KOTOOMP stands for Knight of the Order of Many Posts, whose mission is basically keep the NAAT (Noble and Ancient Thread) alive.
c) The CRTN (Confederate Revolutionary Thread of NSA) opposes them. They try to have more posts than the KOTOOMP, which is pretty much impossible, because the NAAT has... *checks* a lot of posts.
NAAT: 70886
CRTN: 5282
d) That's about all the explaining you get, because let's face it, NSA is very, very, very confusing unless you're an NSAer.
Go away you stupid red squiggly lines! NSAer is spelled right!
Gosh, I'm tired.
You should have seen me in New Testament today... yeah, I was rambling about... I don't remember. Something random. v_v
In Spanish, someone dared say she saw the Hunger Games movie, but didn't read the book. I just stared.
Then she made it worse. She said, "I hate reading."
My face was a mix of horror, shock, and pure "I-will-kill-you-later" glare. -_-
Trey and Silas started laughing at me. >_> But I was horrified.
Books are such wonderful things! Filled with secrets and worlds and wonder!
Ooh, that's a rant for another time.
*turns on the radio*
Ya know, this blog is turning into a journal of sorts. It's less, well, personal because it's on the internet and people are reading it, but it's kind of the record of my life. :P
I should go to bed...
"May the kinkajhous be ever by your side. " |
This post needs a picture... *searches*
Hehehe, found one...
The unofficial NSA mascot... the kinkajou.
*considers explaining*
*looks for the explanation*
I don't have it.
Ooh! I has the EOYAs (End of Year Awards) from last year, though. I was nominated for Most Likely to Succeed (YESH!), Most Likely to Get Their Work Done On Time (bahahahahaha, I think that was Madelyn. I cracked up when I read it. Mom laughed even harder.), Most Responsible (more hysterical laughter), Best Writer (*coughJoelcough* ;), Best Poet (okay, really? I'm horrible at poetry.), Most Likely to Use a Chatting Shortcut Out Loud (guilty), and Will Be Missed the Most (awww.... :( Love you guys).
Gosh. I didn't do too bad. ;)
Annnnd I'm now going to cry. :'(
I've rambled a TON.
I blame Lace and Jamie and their blogs... which I was stalking...
I mostly miss the CrWr (Creative Writing) folder. I miss reading all the beautiful poems and the awesome stories and the SLs... like right now, I really want to read that Star Wars one that Cece and Shalom were writing, about Alana and Molahs (I'm pretty sure that was his name).
Annnnd I miss the people.
Sorry, this was really random and probably really boring. :P
P.S. Sooo I got one of my EPIC NSA friends to send me the explanation... Here ya go. ;)
is a porkypine:
<<<< THAT but with
3000000000+ more pokey parts. And with laser vision and acid spit.
to show you how evil these things are.... They're the ones who came up with the
idea of homework. And geometry proofs. And they are secretly the ones who were
behind Brittany Spear's success. THAT's how evil they are. How tough are they?
Let's just say that THEY are what killed Bruce Lee. THEY'RE why Waldo is
hiding. They, not Chuck Noris, is what monsters look for in their closets
before they go for bed. THEY are the reason this guy looks like THIS:
Yeah. No joke.
that that's cleared up, Kinkajous are good guys. They're like lemur ninjas,
Yeah. And like ALL ninjas they get
one of these:

yeah, basically Porkypines=BAD
–Andrew Maust
(All credit to Andrew Maust)
Ahhh!!!! *sniffs* NSA is so lovely, isn't it? T_T We misss you, NSA!!!! And just, and just... *sniffs some more* Just a big huge AMEN to all you have said. T_T
ReplyDeleteAnnnddd.... I think you ought to be an honorary Kotoomp. Really. You don't get much more Kotoompish than that.
*glares at people who hate books with you*