I thought of something the other day.
Y'all know how I can discuss things like Doctor Who and Percy Jackson and Lord of the Rings and-yeah, you get the point- for hours?
And hours.
Seriously, I can see a banana and quote the Doctor, or make some reference to Star Wars on a daily basis.
And I was like, Why don't I get this excited about Jesus?
And BAM.
I was like :O Why don't I get this excited?
Because I never thought of it!
That's my personal challenge, mwahahaha.
Get super-dee-duper excited about God whenever I hear something about him.
Yeah, I don't know what I mean by this. But it sounds right.
If I can rant about my favorite characters falling into Tartarus or the freaking gorgeous soundtrack from LOTR, I can certainly rant about how FLIPPING AWESOME God is.
I mean, He freaking created the world.
In six days.
I can barely do my homework in six days.
Holy cow, imagine the creativity and epicness of that. Imagine being able to see that!! It makes me want to be an angel.
He made bananas. ("Bananas are good. Good source of potassium.")
Oh my cow, he made up elephants. Just process that. He made up elephants. From scratch, just creating them out of His own pure ingenuity. And butterflies and roses and oceans and clouds and summer and grass and mistletoe and starfish and bumblebees and unicorns (yeah, they're in the Bible, smart one. Proof.) and languages and rainbows and cheetahs and fireflies and poppies and love and honey and chocolate and sugar and water and rain and the earth. He gave people hearts and minds and imaginations and thoughts and words and music - Heck, He literally created music. Not just putting the notes together and sound beautiful, he made that beauty possible.
He made books and TV shows and music and all that humanly possible.
Creativity. Talents. Imagination.
It's soooo amazing.
He gave David Tennant his hair and accent and facial expressions. Jennifer Lawrence her hilariousness and ability to make everyone love her, Rick Riordon his writing talent, Taylor Swift her voice.
Somewhere I heard that we worship the created as opposed to the Creator far too often.
Guilty as charged.
It's weird thinking about how these talents and abilities are given by God and then realizing how much the abilities are abused.
Like let's face it, turn on the radio, start jamming to your favorite song, and seriously think about those lyrics.
I'm pretty sure they're not exactly, um, clean. >_>
But you listen anyways, because the music itself is good. Or popular, whichever.
Yep, I do it too. (Duh.) I have plenty of things I really like that I know aren't good. Music. Books. My issue with books is, um, this little thing called romance novels.
Here's the deal, I pick up a book that looks awesome, have an interesting plot, usually fantasy/sci-fi, I read the first several chapters all goes downhill from there.
Except I'm not a good girl who puts the book down because I know it's unhealthy. I'm stubborn. And usually curious. So I skim over and keep reading and reading. I'm a bibliophile. We don't just stop in the middle of a book.
But anyway.
Abused. Oh yeah!
Like, seriously, I think that Maroon 5 and the Script have some really good music. And they're actually pretty mild by the world's standards. But I don't let Mac and Kensi listen to that music because they still have mostly innocent little minds.
Mostly. *cough*
Hmm... Aha! Watch this video. (Messy Mondays Seven Problems With Modern Music. They make this so much more eloquent than me.)
Not only that, but God sent His Son to freaking die for those stupid, evil, wrong people He created. Even after they messed up so terribly.
They pushed him away and punished Him for their own mistakes.
I honestly don't know how you could love someone that much.
I can imagine myself dying for someone I loved, like my siblings. But I cannot imagine having the one person I loved more than anyone else die to save someone, and watching it happen, not being able to do anything.
That was a bad sentence. >_> *rewrites*
I can't imagine watching the one person I loved more than anyone else die, not being able to save them. And not only are they dying, but they're being destroyed by the very people they came to save.
Well, that's a little clearer. But still bad. :P
How could God do that? How could He love anyone that much?
Yeah, I still don't know.
I just realized how completely rambled this post got.
Maybe I should back outlines for my posts to keep them more organized. But most of it's spur of the moment randomness, so that wouldn't really work.
OR I could just edit better. >_>
Yeah, right.
M'kay, so I'll wrap it up by telling you to listen to this song. Make a Move by Royal Tailor. They played it at Winter Jam and I've loved it ever since. :) Besides, I did kinda rant about music in there.
And then go read the Door Within.
Because that's an epic book.

I thought of something the other day.
Y'all know how I can discuss things like Doctor Who and Percy Jackson and Lord of the Rings and-yeah, you get the point- for hours?
And hours.
Seriously, I can see a banana and quote the Doctor, or make some reference to Star Wars on a daily basis.
And I was like, Why don't I get this excited about Jesus?
And BAM.
I was like :O Why don't I get this excited?
Because I never thought of it!
That's my personal challenge, mwahahaha.
Get super-dee-duper excited about God whenever I hear something about him.
Yeah, I don't know what I mean by this. But it sounds right.
If I can rant about my favorite characters falling into Tartarus or the freaking gorgeous soundtrack from LOTR, I can certainly rant about how FLIPPING AWESOME God is.
I mean, He freaking created the world.
In six days.
I can barely do my homework in six days.
Holy cow, imagine the creativity and epicness of that. Imagine being able to see that!! It makes me want to be an angel.
He made bananas. ("Bananas are good. Good source of potassium.")
Oh my cow, he made up elephants. Just process that. He made up elephants. From scratch, just creating them out of His own pure ingenuity. And butterflies and roses and oceans and clouds and summer and grass and mistletoe and starfish and bumblebees and unicorns (yeah, they're in the Bible, smart one. Proof.) and languages and rainbows and cheetahs and fireflies and poppies and love and honey and chocolate and sugar and water and rain and the earth. He gave people hearts and minds and imaginations and thoughts and words and music - Heck, He literally created music. Not just putting the notes together and sound beautiful, he made that beauty possible.
He made books and TV shows and music and all that humanly possible.
Creativity. Talents. Imagination.
It's soooo amazing.
He gave David Tennant his hair and accent and facial expressions. Jennifer Lawrence her hilariousness and ability to make everyone love her, Rick Riordon his writing talent, Taylor Swift her voice.
Somewhere I heard that we worship the created as opposed to the Creator far too often.
Guilty as charged.
It's weird thinking about how these talents and abilities are given by God and then realizing how much the abilities are abused.
Like let's face it, turn on the radio, start jamming to your favorite song, and seriously think about those lyrics.
I'm pretty sure they're not exactly, um, clean. >_>
But you listen anyways, because the music itself is good. Or popular, whichever.
Yep, I do it too. (Duh.) I have plenty of things I really like that I know aren't good. Music. Books. My issue with books is, um, this little thing called romance novels.
Here's the deal, I pick up a book that looks awesome, have an interesting plot, usually fantasy/sci-fi, I read the first several chapters all goes downhill from there.
Except I'm not a good girl who puts the book down because I know it's unhealthy. I'm stubborn. And usually curious. So I skim over and keep reading and reading. I'm a bibliophile. We don't just stop in the middle of a book.
But anyway.
Abused. Oh yeah!
Like, seriously, I think that Maroon 5 and the Script have some really good music. And they're actually pretty mild by the world's standards. But I don't let Mac and Kensi listen to that music because they still have mostly innocent little minds.
Mostly. *cough*
Hmm... Aha! Watch this video. (Messy Mondays Seven Problems With Modern Music. They make this so much more eloquent than me.)
Not only that, but God sent His Son to freaking die for those stupid, evil, wrong people He created. Even after they messed up so terribly.
They pushed him away and punished Him for their own mistakes.
I honestly don't know how you could love someone that much.
I can imagine myself dying for someone I loved, like my siblings. But I cannot imagine having the one person I loved more than anyone else die to save someone, and watching it happen, not being able to do anything.
That was a bad sentence. >_> *rewrites*
I can't imagine watching the one person I loved more than anyone else die, not being able to save them. And not only are they dying, but they're being destroyed by the very people they came to save.
Well, that's a little clearer. But still bad. :P
How could God do that? How could He love anyone that much?
Yeah, I still don't know.
I just realized how completely rambled this post got.
Maybe I should back outlines for my posts to keep them more organized. But most of it's spur of the moment randomness, so that wouldn't really work.
OR I could just edit better. >_>
Yeah, right.
M'kay, so I'll wrap it up by telling you to listen to this song. Make a Move by Royal Tailor. They played it at Winter Jam and I've loved it ever since. :) Besides, I did kinda rant about music in there.
And then go read the Door Within.
Because that's an epic book.
ReplyDeleteErr... let me be more civilized here. U_U *stops @_@ing and screaming in your face* *straitens self* *tries to look calm*
@_@... =D x) Amen. Amen. Amen. And... well... amen. ^_^ Isn't it so beyond words what He has done, and who He is? It's hard to imagine something more amazing than our geekdoms, isn't it? Then to realize... that... just... wow. Because He is our geekdoms. Well, I mean, that doesn't sound quite right. How to reword it? All this capacity we have for wonder and delight and getting excited and exhilarated... is from Him and for Him and through Him. We can direct it at things that are not of Him. But we can also direct it at Him, channeled through the awesome secondary worlds of our books and stories. x) 'Tis as it should be. And to know... that entering Middle Earth helps to give us a clearer image of the heart of God. x) Have you listened to THE podcast? It puts it in words clearer than I'd ever been able to explain it, even to myself. Isn't it sooo amazing? ="D And we know this, even if it's hard to put words on, even in our own minds. But HE IS. And He created us to enjoy these things. Our delight is for Him. x) Our delight is IN Him. x) He IS our delight.
And... you totally made my day with your Door Within reference! ='D My absolute FAVORITE... x) Next to LotR and Narnia, of course.