Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings all nighter last night. Five kids (three girls and two boys, though one other girl came for the first movie. It was so EPIC!!!! It was the first time I'd ever seen the movies, and I really liked them. Of course, in the middle of the first one, I had to ask them to pause it and explain who was who, because I got so confused. But then I understood. My favorite character(s) were Pippin, Sam, Aragorn, and Legolas. Oh and the dwarf. I can't remember his name. One of my (many) favorite parts was when Legolas was "skateboarding" on a shield down the staircase, and shooting at the same time. I HATED Gollum. When he was nice I liked him, but then he was bad again, and he's just SO CREEPY!!! Violence, some parts were pretty gory, but all in all, I was OK with it.
Besides watching movies, we ate pizza, popcorn.....lots of Coke, and a bunch of other stuff I don't feel like typing out. We played a ton of Freeze between movies, a little bit of CatchPhrase, and over breakfast discussed Inheritance and Son of Neptune. We talked during the movies a LOT....*glares at the boys even though they'll never read this*It was so fun!!!

Now...good day, I must depart to read the latest chronicle of Eragon and his mighty dragon. Mwahahaha!!!!!

P.S. We were talking about Aragorn, all of us said Eragon at least once and they rest of us would "What are talking about??"

1 comment:

  1. Haha sounds like fun! We r just starting reading the hobbit in school!:)
