The lovely pink blob. :) |
So, this week gave an excellent demonstration of the annoying part of India - nothing, and I mean nothing! Is on time. For example, a few weeks ago, (like two) I broke a chair. For the second time. I know, I have skills. :) So Dad called the store and they said they'd come and take it and fix it. A guy came Saturday....and wrapped the chair in pink bubble wrap and packing tape. That's all. He spoke almost no English, and then left. Dad called and asked when they would come get the chair. I didn't hear it, so this is assumed, based one experience.
Dad: When will you get the chair?
Dude on the phone: No problem, sir, no problem.
Dad: No, when will you get it?
Dude: Ummm....Sunday, Sunday sir.
The called back and said "Sir, Monday, Monday." It's Monday....and they didn't come. So we have a big, ugly pink blob in our living room. Lovely. I'm sure they'll come eventually. And this happens every time you want some thing delivered. Well, it's a lesson in patience, right?
OK, this story was slightly exaggerated in the conversation. :)
sorry i just now saw this. sorry about that