Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Photo A Day?

We'll see if it happens...
Here's one from yesterday, and maybe I'll post one for today, later.

Last night was a perfect summer-y night. We had a good-bye party for Jahn, a German/Asian foreign exchange student. I say German/Asian, because he's from Germany... but he's Chinese.

Lol, I just noticed my teacher in the background. Oops.
Anyway, the party was super fun. Bonfire, s'mores, a hammock, a water balloon fight, stars, deep talks with the thespians...
It was good.
I'll miss Jahn. He gave me book recommendations that I LOVED, so he obviously won a place in my heart. ;D Plus he's hilarious, although incredibly stubborn. We had a three hour argument over whether articles (a, an, and the) were adjectives or not (they are).
And I'm really not exaggerating about the three hour part.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Oh Sweet Freedom

I survived Chemistry. Hallelujah.
And now I'm going to read. Adios, amigos.