Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Has Been the Most Stressful Week of the School Year.

I swear it has.

Next week should be, with stuff every night after school and last minute homecoming business to take care of, but it's honestly too fun to be stressful.

This week, on the other hand, sucks.

Teachers are cramming in as much homework and as many tests as possible. Sleep is a joke. Girls who haven't been asked are sorely feeling it now. [Not me, mind you. I'm so glad I didn't get asked, especially after certain drama in the past couple days.] Math is killer hard right now. Newspapers have to be printed, the court must be voted on, shoes must be bought, the Open House must be taken care of, skits have to be rehearsed.

On top of all that, CYT started back up again this week. Auditions are Friday, and all three of the littles are auditioning.

I am not.

I was going to, until about two weeks ago, when I realized "I can't take anymore on." So I told Mom and she was like "Are you sure?" and I was like "Yeah. Maybe I'll get a job." and she was like "Okay...."

And then CYT classes started Tuesday [which I didn't go to, I was at the Open House] and Mom texts me during school "You should audition."
Me: Why?
Her: Because then the whole family will be involved.
Me: I don't know...
Her: I'll sign you up and you can cancel.
Me: Okay....

So she signed me up.

Last night we were talking about it and I tried to pull out an audition song and I kinda just fell apart.

We decided I couldn't add something else to my already sleep-deprived life. >_>

Despite being way, way, way crazier, I am of the opinion that second semester is way more fun than first semester. Because your friendships are stronger, you're more involved in things, and you're less mad about new rules.

And Spirit Week. :DD 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Addi's Current Favs

Counting Stars, by One Republic.
I listen to this song all the time. Not exactly sure why. But, ooh, I love it. The whole Native album, actually. Like, listen to the part at like 3:03 where there's the stacking, add on, choir-y thing. Mmmm, wonderful.

The Library Dance scene in Music Man. It has literally been my life dream to be in this song (Marian the Librarian) and now I am and Thank you a bajillion times to Stevie of Dr. L or whoever put me in that group.
Anna = Most realistic Disney Princess since... ever. EVER. I love her. And Elsa is amaaaazing. And plot twists and funny scenes and THE FREAKING AWESOME SOUNDTRACK. I would conservatively estimate I have listened to this soundtrack 50 million times since I watched the movie.
Love Is An Open Door is my favorite. xD Barely beating Let It Go.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

An Update and a Fun Fact

Oh my cow.
So busy. e_e
Homecoming is in three weeks. I still need a dress. Skits for spirit week must be planned. Chemistry homework and tests are murderous (one is tomorrow). Music Man rehearsals have started (thank goodness I'm chorus and only called once or twice a week). Kensi's birthday is a week from tomorrow.
Outside of all that, I'm still trying to read books, journal, hang with Lil, skype with Joel, blog, watch MAOS, freak out about Sherlock Series 3, and sleep.
My "brother" is currently in Zambia, and I totally wish I was there with him. Not only is he helping people and being awesome (his dad's a doctor, and he will probably be one when he grows up, so he does of lot of doctor-ish type stuff), he's missing boring Chemistry and homecoming drama.

Fun fact of the day: Ya know the song "How He Loves," by David Crowder Band? It starts with the lyrics "He is jealous for me/Loves like a hurricane/I am a tree" and blah blah blah. This always confused me, because I thought jealousy was a bad thing.
WELL. I was watching a YouTube video several weeks ago, and this guy (danisnotonfire, who I don't really recommend, but um, yeah) was talking about jealousy vs envy. And the definitions are this (these?):
jeal·ous  [jel-uhs]  
1. feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (often followed by of  ): He was jealous of his rich brother.
2. feeling resentment because of another's success, advantage, etc. (often followed by of  ): He was jealous of his brother's wealth.
3. characterized by or proceeding from suspicious fears or envious resentment: a jealous rage; jealous intrigues.
4. inclined to or troubled by suspicions or fears of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims: a jealous husband.
5. solicitous or vigilant in maintaining or guarding something: The American people are jealous of their freedom.
en·vy  [en-vee]
noun, plural en·vies.
1. a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
2. an object of envious feeling: Her intelligence made her the envy of her classmates.
3. Obsolete . ill will.
verb (used with object), en·vied, en·vy·ing.
4. to regard with envy; be envious of: He envies her the position she has achieved in her profession.
verb (used without object), en·vied, en·vy·ing.
5. Obsolete . to be affected with envy.

The fifth definition of jealous is, I think, what the song refers to. He is jealous for me, meaning He wants to protect us and keep us with Him. And the song made sense!!
That's all. I don't even know why I just thought of that, but I did. You're welcome. ;)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Time Flies

Seriously, time goes faster every year.
So, highlights of the year:
-Fiddler on the Roof
-Movie Theater
-Started sophomore year
-CYT camp
-Joel and Madelyn
-Doctor Who obsession
-Library volunteering
-I dyed my hair
-Laser tag

Not bad, I think. So here's some goals for 2014.
I don't have any real resolutions. Just little bucket list things that I can get done this year.

Bucket List things that I can get done this year. :)