Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sleepovers, Parties and Math

I'm in the car on the way home, with Lilli next to me. Yet another sleepover! :)
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY CREY!! He's 12 today. :D
Tomorrow I have to take a math placement test for school. How fun. -_-
Annd my phones about to die so I'm gonna cut this post short.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

At Gramma's House

At the moment I am chilling, listening to music and comparing notes about Europe with my cousin. ;) she got to go on a month-long tour of Europe, because her parents were the chaperone-y people for a college trip. (Total awesomeness). We went swimming today, and I loved it. The pool is like ten feet deep, it's amazing! Oh, and we watched the Olympic opening ceremonies. It was really cool! I really loved the torch cauldron thing. ;)
And that's about it. Adios!

Friday, July 27, 2012

To Do Today

Take Dad to the airport
Pick-up swimsuit from Grandma's house
Run laundry
Take Holly to the orthodontist
Finish packing
Go to Tulsa

Thursday, July 26, 2012


[Note: this was supposed to be posted on the 25, but due to complications (aka bedtime) it didn't happen.]
Well, I didn't post yesterday, because I was busy. But it was a fun day. I went to a Bible study/devo thing with other freshmen girls that go to my school. It was good, I got to meet quite a few, and it was a good lesson. :)
Afterwards I went to Aunt Mimi's classroom where Holly, Lil, Kensi and Crey already were. We helped out a tiny bit, played Hangman and ninja, and ate a lot. xD (think popsicles, Chick-fil-a and goldfish).
Dad picked the girls up and took us back to my house, where Holly, Kensi and I threw some sleepover stuff together. Then we went to Gramdma's house. :D we played, danced around, swam, slept, talked, laughed, ate, talked, talked and laughed. ;) we had good time. And today was mostly the same. Just general funness (with a large side of ice cream).

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well, Dad goes back to India today. He comes back in about a month, which everyone in my family is bummed about. Right now I'm sitting int the car, waiting for mom and dad to finish filling up the gas. We're actually on our way to the airport to drop him off. Speaking of driving, in April I got my learner's permit, but we had to go back to India before the actual card got sent. Well, it never got sent. At least, that's our suspicion. No one seems to have seen it. I called today to see about it, and they said we'd have to go to the office, pay again, and bring my temporary receipt and my birth certificate. This seriously ticks me off, because the people at the office didn't even know if it was sent. So its their fault, and yet we have to pay. Its a little frustrating. (Later) I'm sitting in Red Lobster, finishing up lunch. We've dropped Dad off. About 20 minutes after we leave the airport, Mom and I both get a text that says "Flight out of Wichita delayed 30 minutes." Mom was talking to him just now, and all flights out of Chicago are delayed. Pray that it gets sorted out and he makes all his flights easily.


Dad's flights are so delayed he's staying here tonight. We'll take him back to the airport tomorrow, and later in the afternoon drive down to Oklahoma to visit Gramma, Papa and the cousins.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Addi's current favs... :D

Lord of the Rings
Holly and I are like twins a lot of the time. We know each other ridiculously well, and have pretty much the same interests. (Well, her's are more athletic, mine are more nerdy or creative ;) But we are both obsessed with Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. OBSESSED. Holly more so, almost. I've seen the three LOTR movies, and read the Fellowship and some of the Two Towers. Holly is obeying the sacred law of bookworms and reading the books before seeing the movies. :D I've trained her well. Our plan is for her to finish the books before the Hobbit movie is released, and go to the midnight premiere in Imax with some friends, and go right into a Lord of the Rings marathon. (Actually our friends thought of this, not us :P). But still, tis a brilliant plan. Mwahahaha!!!!! Now if we can just convince our parents...

Hehe, I seriously like frappichinos. Enough said.

Freewrite Parties!!
When I was in elementary and middle school (haha, that feels so weird. When I was in middle school), I had the best writing teacher ever. At the start of every class, she made us do freewrites for the first ten-fifteen minutes. A freewrite is when someone gives a prompt, either a sentence or a picture or theme, and you write within a time limit to do the best you can. In class, some of them were really, really, really hard. Recently, on my online school, I got connected to a girl who graduated last year. She is really nice and creative, and got a LOT of kids interested in creative writing, me included. She started freewrite parties on Skype. A whole bunch of kids get on Skype at a scheduled time, and we write for hours. The hard part is the fact that we live all over the world- Hawaii, India, Israel, China, California, Russia... it gets hard to find a time that works for everyone. :P
Here's a prompt I made up, maybe you could try one!

The dark heavy smoke filled what used to be a cool blue, and I saw the last of my old life shatter.

If you do take advantage of this, please send me what you come up with! It's really fun to see how different people interpret the prompts. One girl made it funny, I made it darker, so it can go however you want. ^_^ Feel free to try it! 
And I am going to go do a bit of reading... Addi out!  

Friday, July 20, 2012

Jet Lag and Other Things...

It's about 5:30 am here right now, and we've all been up for like an hour. Yep.
So it's the morning of our second (full) day here. It's been amazing seeing Grandma and Grandpa and our cousins. And I have seriously enjoyed bacon and root beer. xD
Mom and Dad have been looking for a car, with not much luck yet. We did get the beds we needed, so that's good. :D

That evening...
We spent the day at the pool, Freddy's and watching TV. :P But we did see a friend or two, which was good. :D And so far I know three people who are starting the same school as me this year. That was encouraging. :)
So, that's about it. Talk to ya soonish! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I hate goodbyes. :(

"The worst feeling ever is when you are about to have to says goodbye to someone who you'll never see again until you get to Heaven. It makes ya wanna scream... xD But yeah. I'm not looking forward to it. It's like taking a knife and sending them away with a piece of you heart. Just like ripping a piece of duct tape of you arm... It stings. There is no cure. :/" - JMP

This is what I'm experiencing. I'm seriously I wreck right now.  
Martha and Madelyn, two of my besties
Madelyn and I being goofy :D
Saturday was the final goodbye to almost everyone. We met at our friend's coffee shop, ate ice cream and cookies, drank coffee, chatted, giggled, played ninja and almost cried.  Then my family went to the girls home we've helped put at to say good bye to them. Oh my cow, that's when I lost it. I, and the rest of my family, have grown really attached to these girls. I'm dead serious when I say they are the most grateful, sweet, generous, adorable people I've ever met in my life. 
Mom gave them some presents and then we prayed. 
By the end of it, almost everyone was in tears. 

Sunday we exchanged farewells with Bhuvana, our "nanny", who has seriously become like family to us. We'll miss her a lot, especially Mac and Kensi, who love her to pieces. She's been a huge help in the past year, watching the little two so mom could help Holly and I with school, taking us to the pool, helping us with chores. We will miss her sweet smile in our family. :(

And then yesterday, we met with one last family.
So that's it. We've said farewell, we're leaving tonight. This chapter in my life draws steadily to a close. Only a few hours, a few more words on the page, before a new chronicle begins. A chronicle of the adventures and mishaps of being an American highschooler. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Moving out

Well y'all, today's the day we actually leave our house. The flight back home is in less than a week. Our house is sorted, packed and a bit messy. In just a few minutes the guys will come to pack and collect out stuff for shipping.
We'll go to a hotel later, but we'll still hang out here at the house in the next week. It's a really, really, really weird feeling. I still don't believe I'm actually moving in just a few days. Is this how it felt the first time? I honestly can't remember. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing my friends and family again, within the next three weeks!! Yay!!
One a less happy note (to put it mildly) moving back also means saying goodbye to all the amazing people we've met here. They have seriously impacted me, some just a little and others a LOT. I've really learned from these people, and I hope I never forget the lessons they have taught me. <3
Some of you may know, Dad has to come back to Bangalore for about a month. :( so he's coming back with us, helping us get settled, then flying back to India. We're all pretty bummed about that.
Another thing is, I'm officially going to school this year!! My traveling chapter of my life will end, and the high school one will begin. Scary thought. I've only been to "real school" one year in my life and that was second grade. So I'm pretty nervous, but excited too. Ok, so I'm really nervous. I honestly don't feel like I can handle it. Pray that I'll get through the next four years. :P ;)

[A little while later...]
The packing dudes have come. There is a moving truck outside my house!! I've never had a moving truck outside my house, the closest thing was the teeny tiny U-haul that took our stuff to the airport. So it feels odd. Haha.
And while the packing dudes are packing, some other guys who bought our beds are taking them. So the house is CrAzY.

[Quite a bit later...]
Holly, Mom and I are hanging out in the hotel. We brought the stuff, checked in, and made sure our favorite channel was in the TV. xD (the main shows are Masterchef Australia and White Collar)

Anyways, this was a pretty long post. I'll wrap it up here with a few prayer requests:
First, obviously we're leaving the country soon, and we still have quite a bit to get done. Please pray everything will get done and settled without any crazy complications.
And to extend on that, when we do get back to the States, we're gonna be dealing with jet lag, culture shock and the fact that we have to move back into our house. So, pray that we'll be able to handle all the chaos and go quickly and smoothly.
And finally, one not about us. A little boy we know is really sick. He had to go the hospital and have a blood transfusion. He's doing a bit better, but please pray he will get well quickly and that it won't be terribly expensive.
Thanks y'all!!
Have a nice day!!