This is my tap class!! :) |
I believe I'll start from Saturday. Us girlies had our last day of ballet and tap, so all the parents and siblings got to watch. Kinda funny, because there's six girls in the tap I'm in...and three families were there, and they took up almost all the room. xD Yep, we're all homeschooling expats...;) Lol.
Actually, only Mom came to watch us, Mac didn't want to and dad was sick. :(
Afterwards we ate pizza and shopped for a little, then I went to my friends house to spend the night. That was fun. I had to eat Indian food for dinner, so I had to learn to eat with my hands. It was really yummy and so fun!! ;) Sunday I went to church with their family, then to Chinese for lunch (also really good). Then we came back to the house and hung out for awhile, waiting for the first kids to come. Oh, my youth group was having a progressive dinner. They came and we ate chips and dip. Then we got in this giant van, and laughed talked and laughed and sang and laughed on our way to the next house, where we had a nice salad with strawberries and mandarin oranges. Then we went to the NEXT house and had hot chili and hot biscuits and hot apple cider. Oh, man that was good. Finally we headed to my house for dessert. And Mom did an EPIC job.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent hanging out and shopping. :) Then today, Thursday, Holly, Kensi and I went and wrapped presents at a girl's home. We had quite a bit of fun with that. Tonight we ordered pizza and were discussing a movie, when Mom told us to look in "the sock". We do an Advent calander thing, where we hung 24 socks to the banister, with ribbon and clothespins. The clothespins all have numbers on them. We look in the sock each day, and Mom or Dad puts some kind of treat in it. Today it said:
"Quick!! Go Pack!!
Holly Opened the paper and the inside said
"We leave for the airport at 10 pm!!
And a little Eiffel Tower was drawn next to it. Holly screamed. I laughed and cried and asked (this was the only thing I could think of I was so surprised) "What are we gonna do about our presents??" So...yeah. We're going to Paris, and our hotel is right outside Euro Disney, so we're pretty ecstatic. xD
See ya, and I'll be sure to post pics!!